Creating a TeamViewer app
This section explains how to create a TeamViewer app for use with your Ivanti EPMM.
If you are not already logged in after TeamViewer account activation, to the TeamViewer Home page you bookmarked in Requesting a TeamViewer account.
Select the Apps link at the bottom of the TeamViewer Home page (displayed after account activation).
- The Apps and Scripts accessing your account dialog box opens. Select Create app.
Enter the Name, Description and Redirect URI information.
Name - Enter at least five characters.
Description is optional
Redirect URI - Enter it in the form of https://<ivantiepmm>/mifs/teamViewerRedirect, where <ivantiepmm> is the URL of your Ivanti EPMM installation.
Using a redirect URI is required.
For Session management, select:
View own sessions
View all sessions
Edit own sessions
Create sessions
Select Save.
In the App created successfully dialog box, copy and save the displayed Client ID and Client secret.
You will need this information for Enabling Help@Work in Ivanti EPMM.
- Select OK to close the dialog box.