Setting the initial configuration of Ivanti Standalone Sentry on AWS

After creating an instance, do the initial configuration of Ivanti Standalone Sentry on AWS.

Before you begin 

Verify that you have created an instance of Ivanti Standalone Sentry on AWS. See Creating an instance of Ivanti Standalone Sentry on AWS.


1. Run the following command from shell on your machine:

#ssh -i private.pem aws-user@<hostname>

2. Use the Configuration Wizard to set up Ivanti Standalone Sentry.
3. Enter reload to complete the installation.

Ignore the Hostname warning.

For a description of the configuration wizard prompts and actions, see Ivanti Standalone Sentry configuration wizard prompts and options.

Next steps 

Ivanti Standalone Sentry configuration is done in the UEM platform you have deployed. Depending on whether you have deployed Ivanti EPMM or Ivanti Neurons for MDM, you will either add or register Ivanti Standalone Sentry.

Secure the communication from your UEM to Ivanti Standalone Sentry through an IPSec tunnel.

Table 8.   Next steps


Next Steps

Ivanti EPMM

For Ivanti EPMM deployments, you must configure Ivanti Standalone Sentry in the Ivanti EPMM Admin Portal. See Adding Ivanti Standalone Sentry in Ivanti EPMM.

Ivanti Neurons for MDM

For Ivanti Neurons for MDM deployments, you must register Ivanti Standalone Sentry. See Registering Ivanti Standalone Sentry to Ivanti Neurons for MDM.