Entries in Application-Specific Log Files

This reference lists and explains the messages that can appear in application-specific log files. For a description of how to view and filter log files, see Log Files.

Log file entries are only created if the attribute enable logging has not been disabled for the particular handler.

Action taken

Depending on your configuration for the individual handlers, many of the log file entries can apply to both events that caused an acceptance or to events that caused a denial of a request. To see whether a request was accepted or denied, view the entry in the Action column of the log file.

Possible entries in the Action column of the log files are:

  • Any HTTP error code (see HTTP Error Codes) The request was denied with this code.
  • OK: The request was accepted.
  • NOTICE: The request was accepted, however some information was logged.
  • WARNING: The request or the response could not be parsed, however it was accepted.

Authentication Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • authentication failed - authproxy unreachable …

    Authentication for a path failed because the authentication proxy could not be reached. This is an internal error. Please contact support.

    If the option fail open was enabled in the handler settings, the request was accepted.

    If the option fail open was not enabled in the handler settings, the request was denied.

    See:Authentication Handler

  • cannot connect to authentication server

    The Authentication Handler was not able to communicate with the Authentication Server Backend. Check your settings in the configuration file stingrayafzeusafm.conf.

    If the option fail open was enabled in the handler settings, the request was accepted.

    If the option fail open was not enabled in the handler settings, the request was denied.

    See: Authentication Handler, System Configuration.

  • invalid response from auth server - protocol error

    A communication error occurred between the Authentication Server Backend and the Authentication Handler.

    See: Authentication Handler

  • not authenticated and not redirected - protocol violation

    The user provided an external authentication server that did not conform to the protocol.

    If the option fail open was enabled in the handler settings, the request was accepted.

    If the option fail open was not enabled in the handler settings, the request was denied. See: Authentication Handler

  • redirecting request - redirect to {URL}

    The Authentication Handler redirected the request to the login page provided by the Authentication Server Frontend.

    See: Authentication Handler.

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before this handler can be used

    The Authentication Handler couldn’t work because the Session Handler was not enabled. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Authentication Handler, Session Handler.

Baseline Protection Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • allowing request for KEY although the value is too big (NNN bytes)

    Authentication for a path failed because the authentication proxy could not be reached. This is an internal error. Please contact support.

    The argument KEY had NNN bytes, which exceeded the limit given by the attribute max variable size.

    Usually, the request would have been denied because the option reject if oversize was enabled. However, as the key given in the request matched one of the keys specified by the attribute reject if oversize was enabledn, the request was accepted.

    Note that this request was not checked for any patterns.

    See: Baseline Protection Handler

  • cannot parse arguments …

    The decider was unable to parse the arguments of the request. Either the request was malformed or the encoding could not be recognized.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow Traffic if we cannot parse the request was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow Traffic if we cannot parse the request was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Baseline Protection Handler, Global Configuration

  • further decoding is possible MATCH_ON VALUE …

    One or more additional decoding steps are possible, and the option reject if further decoding possible was activated in the handler settings. So the request was denied.

    See: Baseline Protection Handler

  • invalid combination MATCH_ON VALUE match pattern CATEGORIES COMMENT iterations NNN

    The request was denied because it matched the given pattern. See: Baseline Protection Handler

  • no baseline rules found - please run the baseline wizard or enable at least one rule

    The handler could not check the request for any patterns because no pattern was specified or all patterns were disabled.

    See: Baseline Protection Handler, Baseline Protection Wizard

  • timelimit exceeded …

    Pattern matching took longer than allowed by the attribute match timeout, so the check was aborted.

    If the option reject if match timeout was not enabled, the request was accepted.

    If the option reject if match timeout was enabled, the request was denied.

    See:Baseline Protection Handler

  • value for argument KEY too big (NNN bytes)

    The argument key had n bytes, which exceeded the limit given by the attribute max variable size.

    The request was denied because the option reject if oversize was enabled.

    See: Baseline Protection Handler

Block Traffic Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

Bypass Ruleset Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • unconditional allow the request (server interface IP)

    The request was accepted without any analysis because the ruleset had been deactivated in the application control.

    See: Application Control, Internal System Handlers

Check HTML Syntax Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • could not decode response body (wrong content-type) - falling back to ISO-8859-1

    vWAF was not able to decode the request’s response body because a wrong content type was specified there. Check your web application to fix this inconsistency as soon as possible so that vWAF can reliably check all responses.

    The request was accepted and interpreted as ISO-8859-1. See: Check HTML Syntax Handler

  • HTML syntax error - POSITION

    The HTML code returned by your web application contained the given syntax error. However, the request was accepted.

    See: Check HTML Syntax Handler

Check User Agent Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid User-Agent header = VALUE matches pattern PATTERN

    The request was denied because the specified user agent was on the blacklist (attribute invalid pattern).

    See: Check User Agent Handler

  • invalid User-Agent header (no valid pattern found) = VALUE

    The request was denied because the specified user agent was not covered by the whitelist (attribute valid pattern).

    See: Check User Agent Handler

Classify Request Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • there is a probability of n% that this is a bad request

    Shows the rating of the risk potential, conducted by the Classify Request Handler. See: Classify Request Handler

  • there is a probability of n% that this is a good request

    Shows the rating of the risk potential, conducted by the Classify Request Handler. See: Classify Request Handler

Content Type Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • bad content-type: CONTENTTYPE

    The request was denied because the given content type was not covered by one of the attributes allow urlencoded, allow multipart, or allow content type list.

    See:Content Type Handler

  • bad content-type for file upload: CONTENTTYPE

    The request was denied because the option check upload content types has been enabled but the request’s content type was not covered by the list given for allow upload content type list.

    See: Content Type Handler

  • cannot parse arguments …

    The decider was unable to parse the arguments of the request. Either the request was malformed or the encoding could not be recognized.

    If in the Global Configuration the option allow Traffic if we cannot parse the request was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in the Global Configuration the option allow Traffic if we cannot parse the request was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Content Type Handler, Global Configuration

  • content-type required

    The request was denied because it did not specify any content type and no replacement content type had been defined (attribute replace missing content type).

    See: Content Type Handler

Cookie Jar Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • incoming cookie removed

    The Cookie Jar Handler has removed a browser cookie. This action was logged because the attribute log removed cookies was activated in the Cookie Jar Handler settings.

    See: Cookie Jar Handler

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before this handler can be used

    The Cookie Jar Handler could not work because the Session Handler was not enabled. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Cookie Jar Handler, Session Handler

Deny Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • deny request

    The request was denied because the Deny Handler had been enabled to block all requests.

    See: Deny Handler

Entry Point Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid entry point URL - redirect to MAINPAGE

    The request was denied because the URL was not included in the list of permissible entry points (attribute entrypoint in the handler settings). An HTTP-redirect was created to the page specified by the attribute mainpage.

    See: Entry Point Handler

  • unsigned url - redirect to MAINPAGE

    The request was denied because the option url protection was enabled and a user tried to re-enter from an unsigned URL. An HTTP-redirect was created to the page specified by the attribute mainpage.

    See: Entry Point Handler

  • invalid url signature - redirect to MAINPAGE

    The request was denied because the option url protection was enabled, a user tried to re- enter from a signed URL, but the given signature was incorrect. An HTTP-redirect was created to the page specified by the attribute mainpage.

    See: Entry Point Handler

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before this handler can be used

    The Entry Point Handler could not work because the Session Handler was not enabled. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Entry Point Handler, Session Handler

  • unseen url - redirect to MAINPAGE

    The request was denied because a user tried to re-enter from a page that was not linked by your web application (option url protection). An HTTP-redirect was created to the page specified by the attribute mainpage.

    See: Entry Point Handler

Event Per IP Per Path Prefilter Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

Hide Basic Auth Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • login as user USERNAME - redirect to URL

    A user was redirected to the log in page specified by the Hide Basic Auth Handler but did not log in successfully there. So the request was denied.

    See: Hide Basic Auth Handler

  • logout - redirect to URL

    A user logged out successfully via the log in page specified by the Hide Basic Auth Handler.

    See: Hide Basic Auth Handler

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before this handler can be used

    The Hide Basic Auth Handler could not work properly because the Session Handler was not enabled. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Hide Basic Auth Handler, Session Handler

ICAP Client Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • handle broken multipart is enabled but we cannot parse arguments

    Although the attribute handle broken multipart was enabled in the configuration of the ICAP Client Handler, the handler could not parse the arguments.

    If in Global Configuration the Attribute allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was set, the request was accepted.

    Else the request was denied.

    See: ICAP Client Handler

  • backend timeout

    The configured ICAP server did not respond within one second. The request was denied.

    See: ICAP Client Handler


    The request was denied. Usually the reason is given within the text, such as “virus found”.

    See: ICAP Client Handler

Invalid Args Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • blacklist entry PATTERN matches - invalid argument - KEY=VALUE

    The request was denied because the given argument (key = value) matched a pattern of the blacklist (attribute invalid key value pattern).

    See:Invalid Args Handler

  • cannot parse arguments …

    The decider was unable to parse the arguments of the request. Either the request was malformed or the encoding could not be recognized.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Invalid Args Handler, Global Configuration

  • key KEY occurs at least twice in this request - possible HTTP parameter pollution attack

    The request was denied because a key occurred two or more times and the option reject duplicate keys was enabled.

    See: Invalid Args Handler

  • not in whitelist - invalid argument - KEY=VALUE

    The request was denied because the given argument (key = value) did not match any pattern of the whitelist (attribute valid key value pattern).

    See: Invalid Args Handler

  • too many arguments (NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS)

    The request was denied because it contained more arguments than allowed by the attribute max allowed arguments.

    See: Invalid Args Handler

Invalid Body Text Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid text in body (Request) TEXT

    The request was denied because it contained a string that matched with one of the patterns for non-permissible requests (attribute requestTriggerPattern).

    See: Invalid Body Text Handler

  • invalid text in body (Response) TEXT

    The response was not returned because it contained a string that matched with one of the patterns for non-permissible responses (attribute responseTriggerPattern).

    See: Invalid Body Text Handler

Invalid Cookie Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • blacklist entry PATTERN matches - invalid cookie - KEY=VALUE

    The request was denied because the given cookie matched a pattern of the blacklist (attribute invalid key value pattern).

    See: Invalid Cookie Handler

  • not in whitelist - invalid cookie - KEY=VALUE

    The request was denied because the given cookie did not match any pattern of the whitelist (attribute valid key value pattern).

    See: Invalid Cookie Handler

Invalid Parameter Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid parameter PARAMETER

    At least one of the request’s URI parameters matched with the blacklist specified for the attribute invalid parameters, so the request was denied.

    See: Invalid Parameter Handler

  • no valid parameter

    The request’s URI parameters did not match with any of the URI parameters specified for the attribute valid parameters, so the request was denied.

    See: Invalid Parameter Handler

Invalid Request Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • allowing request for KEY although the value is too big (NNN bytes)

    The argument KEY had NNN bytes, which exceeded the limit given by the attribute max variable size.

    Usually, the request would have been denied because the option reject if oversize was enabled. However, as the key given in the request matched one of the keys specified by the attribute reject if oversize exception, the request was accepted.

    Note that this request was not checked for any patterns.

    See: Invalid Request Handler

  • cannot parse arguments …

    The decider was unable to parse the arguments of the request. Either the request was malformed or the encoding could not be recognized.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Invalid Request Handler, Global Configuration

  • invalid combination METHOD URI KEY VALUE match pattern OWNER COMMENT

    The request was denied because it matched the given pattern.

    See: Invalid Request Handler

  • invalid combination METHOD URI match pattern OWNER COMMENT

    The request was denied because it matched the given pattern.

    See: Invalid Request Handler

  • no pattern list

    No pattern was specified in the handler settings, so the handler is essentially ineffective. The request was accepted though.

    See: Invalid Request Handler

  • value for argument KEY to big (NNN bytes)

    The argument KEY had NNN bytes, which exceeded the limit given by the attribute max variable size.

    The request was denied because the option reject if oversize was enabled.

    See: Invalid Request Handler

Invalid Url Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid url (full url) pattern, full url is full url

    The request was denied because the URL matched with a pattern of the attribute invalid full url pattern.

    See: Invalid URL Handler

  • invalid url (no valid pattern found)

    The request was denied because the URL did not match with any of the patterns provided by the attributes valid full url pattern and valid url pattern.

    See: Invalid URL Handler

  • invalid url match pattern PATTERN url URL

    The request was denied because the URL matched with a pattern of the attribute invalid url pattern.

    See: Invalid URL Handler

  • invalid url pattern, url url

    The request was denied because the URL matched with a pattern of the attribute invalid url pattern.

    See: Invalid URL Handler

Limit Requests Per Second Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

Log Configuration Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:


    Additional information logged due to the settings made for the Log Configuration Handler. This is for information purposes only—no requests were denied.

    See: Log Configuration Handler

Malware Detection Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • could not decode response body (wrong content-type) - ignoring this response

    vWAF was not able to decode the request’s response body because a wrong content type was specified there. Check your web application to fix this inconsistency as soon as possible so that vWAF can reliably check all responses.

    The response wasn’t checked.

    See: Malware detection

  • pattern matched NNN time(s) (provider: PROVIDER last sync: TIME)

    The external malware detection service that was configured has detected that your web application returns malicious code.

    The detected pattern was not replaced.

    See: Malware detection

  • pattern was replaced NNN time(s) with REPLACEMENT (provider: PROVIDER last sync: TIME)

    The external malware detection service that was configured has detected that your web application returns malicious code.

    The detected pattern was replaced by the Replace String.

    See: Malware detection

No Configuration Found Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • no configuration found …

    No matching path was found for the application.

    If in Global Configuration, the option allow traffic unknown hosts was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration, the option allow traffic for unknown hosts was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Internal System Handlers

  • no configuration found for proxy request - deny request

    There was a proxy request but no matching path was found for the application. The request was denied.

    See: Internal System Handlers

No Customer Key Found Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • no customer configuration found for key ENFORCERTOKEN …

    In the enforcer options, you have specified a customer key. However, you did not configure any application mapping for this key.

    If in Global Configuration, the option allow traffic for unknown hosts was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration, the option allow traffic for unknown hosts was not enabled, the request was denied.

    Internal System Handlers , Editing Application Mapping

No Matching Path Found Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • no configuration found (no matching path)

    The host specified in the request was found, but no path matching the URL of the request was defined.

    If in Global Configuration, the option allow traffic for unknown hosts was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration, the option allow traffic for unknown hosts was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Internal System Handlers , Editing Paths

OWA Protection Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • mailbox cross user access denied USERNAME -> URL - redirect to /Exchange

    A user who is logged in as the user USERNAME tried to access an URL that does not belong to his or her mailbox. The user was redirected to the URL /Exchange.

    See: OWA Protection Handler

  • most parts of this handler will not work without the session handler

    You have added the OWA Protection Handler, but you did not add the Session Handler. Therefore, the OWA Protection Handler could not work properly and Outlook Web Access isn’t protected. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: OWA Protection Handler, Session Handler

  • too many logins for user USERNAME from IPADDRESS

    Access for the user was blocked for one minute because there were more unsuccessful login attempts than permitted by the attribute limitLoginTriesPerMinute.

    See: OWA Protection Handler

Protect Form Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • cannot parse arguments …

    The decider was unable to parse the arguments of the request. Either the request was malformed or the encoding could not be recognized.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Protect Form Handler, Global Configuration

  • cannot parse response

    The handler was unable to parse the response, so the handler could not learn about the form fields. Please check whether your web application returns a valid response.

    See: Protect Form Handler

  • found an unprotected form …

    The request was denied because a user inserted or manipulated a form.

    If the option redirect on deny was enabled, the user was redirected to the URL specified by the attribute mainpage.

    See: Protect Form Handler

  • invalid value for input field FIELD

    The request was denied because an input field was not saved within the secure session, or because the value of an input field differed from the saved value. Both indicate attempts of manipulation.

    See: Protect Form Handler

  • response too complicated (increase max_forms)

    The response was too complex to be analyzed successfully within the allocated internal session storage. Therefore the handler could not learn about the form fields.

    To resolve this problem, please carefully increase the value of the attribute max forms.

    See: Protect Form Handler

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before this handler can be used

    The Protect Form Handler could not work properly because the Session Handler was not enabled. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Protect Form Handler, Session Handler

  • unexpected exception during response parsing: TEXT

    A general error occurred while parsing, however this error had nothing to do with the parsing process itself. TEXT specifies the reason of this error.

    If you cannot resolve the problem, please contact support.

    See: Protect Form Handler

Redirect Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid redirect

    The user could not be redirected because no valid URL resulted from the given pattern replacement. Please check your configuration.

    See: Redirect Handler

  • redirect to URL

    The user was successfully redirected to the given URL.

    See: Redirect Handler

Referer Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • referer blocked by graylist REFERER …

    The request was denied and the user redirected to the graylisturl because the HTTP referer was neither on the whitelist nor on the blacklist, and there were more requests with this HTTP referer than allowed by the attributes threshold counter and threshold timedelta.

    See: Referer Handler

  • referer in blacklist REFERER

    The request was denied because the HTTP referer was on the blacklist and not on the whitelist.

    If the option blockblacklist was not enabled, the user was redirected to the URL specified by the attribute blacklisturl.

    See: Referer Handler

  • referer not in whitelist REFERER …

    The request was denied because the HTTP referer was not on the whitelist and the option whitelistonly was enabled.

    If the option blockblacklist was not enabled, the user was redirected to the URL specified by the attribute blacklisturl.

    See: Referer Handler

Required Header Field Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid header KEY: VALUE

    The request was denied because one of the headers did not match any valid header pattern, or because it matched an invalid header pattern.

    See: Required Header Field Handler

  • missing http header field HEADER

    The request was denied because one of the headers specified as required headers was missing.

    See: Required Header Field Handler

Response Body Filter Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • cannot decode response body (invalid or unknown content encoding: ENCODING) - ignoring this response

    vWAF could not filter the response of your web application because it used an unknown encoding. The request was accepted unfiltered. Please contact support so that we might be able to support the encoding in later versions of vWAF.

    See:Response Body Filter Handler

  • pattern matched NNN times

    The handler made the given number of replacements in the response from your web application as defined by the attribute replace pattern.

    See: Required Header Field Handler

Script Handler

Usually, the Script Handler logs whatever you tell it to log with the help of the log function within your scripts (see Script Handler and Accessible Python Modules and Functions).

In addition, the Script Handler might log the following error messages:

  • exception: ERRORMESSAGE

    There was exception while running the script. Therefore the Script Handler did not work. The given error message provides you with as much specific debugging information on the reason for the exception as possible.

    See: Script Handler

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before the persistent data storage can be used

    Some functions that can be called by the Script Handler can store data within the session. If you use one of these functions, your script can only work when the Session Handler is also active. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Script Handler,Session Handler

Secure Connection Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • required valid client certificate not received CERTIFICATE

    The request was denied because the option ClientCert was enabled but no valid client certificate was received.

    See: Secure Connection Handler

  • SSL connection required

    The request was denied because the option enforce ssl was enabled but the request was not sent via SSL.

    See: Secure Connection Handler

  • ssl protocol version not allowed VERSION

    The request was denied because the SSL protocol used was older than the protocols allowed by the option minimal ssl version.

    See: Secure Connection Handler

  • unsupported or not allowed SSL client cipher CIPHER

    The request was denied because the encryption algorithm used did not conform to the standard available on the web server and was not included in the additional ciphers list. Another reason can be that the encryption level was below the minimum encryption level required (attribute CipherBits).

    See: Secure Connection Handler

Session Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • could not decode response body (wrong content-type) - ignoring this response

    vWAF was not able to decode the request’s response body because a wrong content type was specified there. Check your web application to fix this inconsistency as soon as possible so that vWAF can reliably check all responses.

    The response was not checked.

    See: Session Handler

  • too many new sessions per ip

    The request was denied because there were too many sessions per IP address at a time.

    The handler could only handle a subset of these sessions successfully.

    Often, this indicates the attempt of a brute force attack. Only if you are sure that this was not the case should you increase the maximum number of sessions per IP address allowed (attributes limitNewSessionsPerIPperMinute and limitNewSessionsPerIPBurst).

    See: Session Handler

Shortcut Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • permit this request

    This is the standard message of the Shortcut Handler. The request was accepted immediately, bypassing all other handlers.

    See: Shortcut Handler

Simple Form Protection Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid argument PATTERN

    The request was denied because an argument matched one of the blacklist args or did not match any of the protected form fields custom regex.

    See: Simple Form Protection Handler

Time Period Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • request during this time period not allowed

    The request was denied because the time of the request did not fall into one of the valid time intervals.

    See: Time Period Handler

Url Encryption Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • could not decode response body (wrong content-type) - ignoring this response

    vWAF was not able to decode the request’s response body because a wrong content type was specified there. Check your web application to fix this inconsistency as soon as possible so that vWAF can reliably check all responses.

    The response was not checked.

    See: Url Encryption Handler

  • invalid url - redirect to MAINPAGE

    The user was redirected to the mainpage because the URL given in the request was not in the list of permissible entry points.

    See: Url Encryption Handler

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before this handler can be used

    The Url Encryption Handler could not work because the Session Handler was not enabled. Add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Url Encryption Handler, Session Handler

Valid Client IP Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • invalid client ip (blacklist) IP

    The request was denied because the IP address matched with one of the IP-ranges specified by the attribute client ip blacklist.

    See: Valid Client IP Handler

  • invalid client ip (DNS timeout) IP

    The request was denied because the external realtime blacklist wasn’t available and the option rbl on timeout allow request was not activated.

    See: Valid Client IP Handler

  • invalid client ip (dynamic blacklist) IP

    The request was denied because the IP address was not on the client ip whitelist but on the global IP blacklist.

    See: Valid Client IP Handler, Global IP Blacklisting

  • invalid client ip (from DNS) IP

    The request was denied because the IP address was on the external realtime blacklist (rbl).

    See: Valid Client IP Handler

  • invalid client ip (no whitelist) IP

    The request was denied because the IP address did not match with any of the IP-ranges specified by the attribute client ip whitelist.

    See: Valid Client IP Handler

Valid HTTP Method Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • content-length required

    The request was denied because no value was set for the attribute max content length.

    See: Valid HTTP Method Handler

  • method METHOD not allowed here

    The request was denied because the given method was not explicitly allowed.

    See: Valid HTTP Method Handler

  • method METHOD not implemented

    The request was denied because the given method is not supported.

  • request too large

    The request was denied because its content length exceeded the value given for the attribute max content length.

    See: Valid HTTP Method Handler

Valid Request Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • forbidden protocol PROTOCOL

    The request was denied because it used a protocol that was not explicitly allowed (attribute allowedProtocols).

    See: Valid Request Handler

  • forbidden proxy request

    The request was denied because it was a proxy request and the option allow proxy requests wasn’t enabled.

    See: Valid Request Handler

  • invalid encoding

    The request was denied because it contained invalid characters or syntax errors.

    See: Valid Request Handler

  • proxy request with different host header: HOST found

    Even though the option allow proxy requests was enabled, the request was denied because it specified a different host header.

    See: Valid Request Handler

Valid XML Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • could not validate argument, dtd missing!

    The DTD file specified in the Valid XML Handler settings could not be read. Possibly the file was moved, deleted, renamed, or access was denied. However, the request was accepted.

    See:Valid XML Handler

  • invalid xml argument

    The request was denied because the XML data did not conform to with the specified DTD.

    See:Valid XML Handler

Virtualize Form Field Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • cannot parse arguments …

    The decider was unable to parse the arguments of the request. Either the request was malformed or the encoding could not be recognized.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See: Virtualize Form Field Handler, Global Configuration

  • Decoding errors of 'VALUE' found. Possible tampering detected.

    The Virtualize Form Field Handler was not able to decode all FORM fields successfully.

    It’s possible but not certain that an attacker attempted to tamper with these FORM fields. The request was accepted though because the option allow decoding errors was enabled.

    See: Virtualize Form Field Handler

  • tampering detected - redirecting to REDIRECT PAGE

    A tampering attempt was detected and thus the request was denied. Because the option redirect tampering was enabled, the user was redirected to the page specified by the attribute redirect page.

    See: Virtualize Form Field Handler

  • the session handler needs to be enabled before this handler can be used

    The Virtualize Form Field Handler could not work properly because the Session Handler was not enabled. Please add the Session Handler to your ruleset.

    See: Virtualize Form Field Handler, Session Handler

Vulnerability Protection Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:


    The request matched one of the patterns identified by one of the linked external application scanners.

    Depending on the active mitigation rules, the request was either denied, or it was accepted with the malicious code altered or removed.

    See: Vulnerability Management

Whitelist Handler

This handler can write the following entries to the log files:

  • cannot parse arguments …

    The decider was unable to parse the arguments of the request. Either the request was malformed or the encoding could not be recognized.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was enabled, the request was accepted.

    If in Global Configuration the option allow traffic if we cannot parse the request was not enabled, the request was denied.

    See:Whitelist Handler, Global Configuration

  • invalid form field (deny) FIELDINFO

    The request was denied because it addressed a form field that was not covered by the protected form fields attribute.

    See: Whitelist Handler

  • invalid protected field (deny) FIELDINFO

    The request was denied because the value of the form field did not match with the whitelist (attribute protected form fields).

    See: Whitelist Handler

  • unprotected form field (allow) FIELDINFO

    This is an extra entry, created because the option log unknown form fields was enabled. The entry shows the key and the value of the field.

    The request was not denied. See: Whitelist Handler