Workspace Control 2022.3 (

This section includes new features, compatibility updates and improvements from previous Workspace Control versions, starting with Workspace Control 2022.2 version and up to version 2022.3 (

What's New

Ivanti Ideas Feature Requests

The following user requests have been addressed in this version of Workspace Control:

New Enhancements and Improvements

The following enhancements and/or improvements are part of this version of Workspace Control:

Bug Fixes

The following customer support issues have been resolved in this release:

Problem ID Title

Internal finding

Sometimes, refreshing the icon for existing UWP applications configured as Workspace Control managed applications results in the following pwrtech.exe errors: (9) Subscript out of range and (91) Object variable or With block variable not set. The Refresh Icon button is found in the Edit application window, under Properties > General > Default icon field, when creating or editing UWP applications.

Internal finding

After configuring the Ivanti Automation integration, Automation Dispatchers are not discovered by Workspace Control when testing the Automation integration configuration. The Ivanti Automation integration is configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Setup > Integration > Ivanti products > Automation > Settings tab.

Internal finding

Removed the New button from the Log tab of the Authorized Owners feature. The feature is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Authorized Owners.

Internal finding

When the Authorized Owners feature was enabled, the Access Control configuration for Authorized Files was ignored when Workspace Control determined if a software application is allowed to run or not.

Internal finding

In the Logon Performance Details window, Microsoft Client-side Extensions (CSE) were displayed using the Workspace Control logo instead of the Microsoft Windows logo. Logon Performance is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > Logon Performance.

Internal finding

In the Logon Performance Details window, the Microsoft Windows logo was used for IWC Logon (total) instead of the Workspace Control logo. Logon Performance is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > Logon Performance.

Internal finding

Sorting the Log tab of Logon Performance did not work correctly. Logon Performance is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > Logon Performance.


When an ODBC connection is configured to be applied in Workspace Control managed sessions, changing its name results in the creation of a new, but broken ODBC connection. The new connection does not inherit the settings of the original ODBC connection. ODBC connections are configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Applications > Data Sources.

More details in the following KB article.


In a specific scenario, after a Microsoft Active Directory Service user or group was renamed, running the Verify SIDs for groups and users maintenance task results in a failed operation and the following output message is displayed: Accountname [<domain>\<name>] does not match SID for configured user/group for Object [<objectname>] (<Applicationname>). Maintenance tasks are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Administration > Maintenance.

More details in the following KB article.


In a specific scenario, after a Microsoft Active Directory Service user or group was renamed, running the Verify SIDs for groups and users maintenance task does not update the Group name with the new name. Maintenance tasks are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Administration > Maintenance.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, Workspace Control File Types HTTP and HTTPS protocol handlers are applied during user sign-in, but are then overwritten by the operating system which applies its default protocol handlers.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, end-users cannot start applications from the Windows Start Menu from within Workspace Control managed sessions. For each attempt, a new pwrgate.exe instance is started and cannot be closed during the session.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.2 version, the new Lockdown and Behavior settings introduced in this version were enabled by default, instead of being disabled. The new settings are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Desktop > Lockdown and Behavior > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article.


When using Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD), all configured Azure AD groups are visible in Workspace Control managed sessions, under Workspace Preferences > Diagnostics > Group membership, instead of displaying only the Azure AD groups of which the user is a member.

More details in the following KB article.


When using the Workspace Analysis tool, no Event Logs are generated for Microsoft Azure Active Directory accounts. The Workspace Analysis tool is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > Workspace Analysis.

More details in the following KB article.


When Workspace Control Agents are joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, the Agents overview shows Domain as being WORKGROUP, instead of AzureAD joined. The Agents overview is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Administration > Agents > Agents tab.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, when the Workspace Control Shell is enabled for Workspace Control managed sessions, applications cannot be launched from Desktop shortcuts. The Workspace Control Shell is enabled from the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Desktop > Shell.

More details in the following KB article.


Write actions to the Microsoft App-V Virtual File System (VFS) took more time than excepted when the Workspace Control FileGuard filter driver was active.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, after applying an Access Control-based filter in the User Sessions overview, the Workspace Control Console can become unresponsive for some time. This time increases with number of user sessions where the filter is applied. The active user sessions are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > User Sessions.

More details in the following: KB article 1 and KB article 2.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.2 version, the new Lockdown and Behavior settings introduced in this version were enabled by default, instead of being disabled. The new settings are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Desktop > Lockdown and Behavior > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version or higher, user settings are not saved when a force sign-out is triggered. This occurs on machines running MicrosoftWindows Server operating systems, where Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) is installed. A force sign-out can be triggered from the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > User Sessions.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.2 version, the new Lockdown and Behavior settings introduced in this version were enabled by default on Workspace Containers, instead of being disabled. The new settings are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Desktop > Lockdown and Behavior > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, after upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, publishing an application from the Workspace Control Console using the Citrix XenApp Publishing integration results in error: Unknown error while publishing. The Citrix XenApp Publishing integration is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Setup > Integration > Application Virtualization > Citrix XenApp Publishing.

More details in the following KB article.


When the $adinfo <property> function is used in Workspace Control to return a value of the specified user property from Active Directory, ADinfo property values are missing in offline Workspace Control managed sessions.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version or higher, when signing into a Workspace Control managed session on machines running Microsoft Windows Server operating systems, the Workspace Control splash screen becomes unresponsive when querying the computer name or takes up to several seconds to complete the step.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version or higher, the Logon Performance Details window is empty if the Datastore is split between a primary and a secondary Datastore. Logon Performance is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > Logon Performance.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version or higher, the Ivanti Start Menu is not displayed in Workspace Control managed sessions on machines running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2. The Ivanti Start Menu is enabled in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Desktop > Lockdown and Behavior.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.2 version, when a Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connector and a Microsoft Active Directory Connector are defined in the Workspace Control Console, under User Context > Directory Services, several errors occur when starting the Workspace Control Console and when navigating to Diagnostics > Workspace Analysis.

More details in the following KB article.


When Workspace Control manages user sessions and the Azure Blob Storage User Settings integration is configured, the Azure website generates the following error after deploying the IWC.Azure.UserSettings ZIP file: You do not have permission to view this page.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.2 version, selecting multiple active sessions in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > User Sessions, results in error: Runtime error '91', Object variable or With variable is not set. After acknowledging the error, the Workspace Control Console closes.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, in a specific scenario where the InterceptManagedApps registry setting is configured, a duplicate Microsoft Edge shortcut without an icon is created in the Start Menu of Workspace Control managed sessions.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, when singing into a Workspace Control managed session on a Agent running Workspace Control 2022.2 version, the following pfwsmgr.exe error occurs: ComputerJoinStatus.TryGetComputerJoinStatus Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. The error occurs in the Workspace Control Console, when navigating to Diagnostics > User Sessions or when opening the Error Log for a user session.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, when Managed Application Security and File Certificate Security are enabled, end-users can experience a delay when launching Microsoft Teams in Workspace Control managed sessions.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 Service Update 1 version or higher, in a specific scenario where a Citrix Desktop session configured as Single Session Server is started on a machine running Microsoft Windows Server 2019, the Workspace Control managed session results into a black screen after the Workspace Control splash screen completes loading.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version or higher, when starting the Workspace Control Console as a different user than the signed-in user on Microsoft Windows Server 2019 or Windows 10, the following pwrtech.exe error occurs: UwpApplicationManager.GetXmlFromFile Error: (9) Subscript out of range. The error occurs when opening a managed application under Composition > Applications.

More details in the following KB article.


After configuring an administrative role with a combination of Modify, Read or Deny access permissions for sub-nodes in Security > Authorized Owners, the Workspace Control Console behaves unexpectedly. Administrative roles are configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Administration > Administrative Roles.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version or higher, when logging into a Workspace Control managed session on a machine running Microsoft Windows 10 build 21H2, a stop error occurs during sign-in which prevents the sign-in process from completing.

More details in the following KB article.


When an Agent running Workspace Control 2022.1 version or higher is connected directly to the Datastore using SQL Server Login as the authentication method, Usage Tracking fails and the following error occurs: Connection to the database could not be established. Usage Tracking Viewer will now exit. This happens when opening Workspace Preferences > Other tab in Workspace Control managed sessions.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, when creating a new Datastore using the Datastore Wizard during the installation of Workspace Control 2022.2 version or higher, the Datastore creation process fails.

More details in the following KB article.


The following error message occurs in IWC and Relay Servers: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

More details in the following KB article.


Since version, the mailto protocol configured in the Console under Composition > Applications > File Types tab of the Managed Application, is not being applied in a Workspace Control managed session.

More details in the following KB article.


Res.exe causes high CPU usage when Logon Performance option is active and users log on to the server. The issue does not appear on every server.

More details in the following KB article.


When an IvantiWorkspace Control Managed Session is signed in on an Agent with Workspace Control 2022.2 ( the following error message can be displayed in the User Session and the Error log in the Console.

More details in the following KB article.


It is not possible to offer remote assistance from the Console that is running on a Windows Server 2012 R2.

When starting Remote Assistance, a screen is shown with an overview for the parameters used in MSRA.EXE.

More details in the following KB article.