Avalanche powered by Wavelink


This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

Connecting Devices to the Avalanche Server

In order to manage a device using Avalanche, the device must contact the Avalanche server. The method for contacting the server depends on the operating system running on the device:

If the device is running Windows Mobile or Windows CE, install the Avalanche Enabler and configure it with the company ID. For more information, see Connecting AIDC Devices to the Avalanche Server.

If the device is running Android, install the Avalanche Enabler on the device and configure it with the enrollment information from an enrollment rule. For more information, see Connecting Android Devices to the Avalanche Server.

If the device is running iOS, use the browser on the device to navigate to the enrollment page and enroll the device using the enrollment information from an enrollment rule. For more information, see Connecting iOS Devices to the Avalanche Server.

If you are connecting Android or iOS devices, you must create enrollment rules before they can connect. For information about enrollment rules, see Creating Enrollment Rules for Smart Devices.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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