The Wavelink Program Manager simplifies managing your Studio applications by allowing you to group applications and assign users to them. To configure how the Program Manager works, use the Wavelink Program Manager Administrator (PMA).
The PMA allows an administrator to create user accounts. Each user created can be assigned to a Studio application or a group of applications. When the user logs in to the Program Manager, he can access all of the Studio applications available for his user account.
The PMA has two tabs:
• Wavelink User Information. The Wavelink User Information tab allows you to add, configure, and remove user accounts.
• Wavelink Application Information. The Wavelink Application Information tab allows you to configure application groups.
The PMA requires remote registry access to control remote Wavelink Program Managers. Windows 95/98 does not support remote registry access unless you install the Microsoft Remote Registry Service. See The Microsoft Remote Registry Service for more information.
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