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> Managing Projects > Modifying Web Pages > Element-Specific Actions

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Element-Specific Actions

The following custom attributes are supported for individual elements on a page:

OnAllKeys, OnKey, OnKey0x


The attributes can be specified in the tag that creates the element on the web page. If the element is selected, then the option will be applied. When the element is not selected (inactive), then the settings will be those specified by the META tags for the web page.

To use these as attributes for an element, use the format: action_name="action type"

For example, the following tag will cause the scanner to be enabled when the input field is selected on the web page.

<input name="item1" id="item1" type="text" Scanner="Enable">

The following tag will enable the scanner only while the tag is selected. The scanner will otherwise be disabled.

<meta http-equiv="Scanner" content="Disable">

You can use the META tag OnStartup with an action of IDA_SCAN_ENABLE or IDA_SCAN_DISABLE to change the scanner state only when the page is first loaded.

To use element-specific symbologies, you can either use the symbology name or prefix the symbology name with the string "Scanner_".

For example, the following tag will enable the scanner and turn off all symbologies except Code128.

<textarea name="item2" Scanner=Scanner_All_Decoders=Disable Scanner_Code128=Enable>

Attributes are processed left to right, so in this example, Code128=Enable must come after Scanner_All_Decoders=Disable

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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