This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

Keyboard Codes

The Velocity Console supports the use of hex values for element and keyboard shortcuts and commands. These must be entered in the format presented under the Name Value or Hex Value columns below.


The keys outlined below can be set up as macros to include multiple keystroke entries when a single button is selected in the Velocity Client. You can also insert pauses to between keystrokes to prevent keys from being skipped in the macro sequence. By default, the value for a pause is 250 milliseconds with {pause}, but it can be prolonged with a colon by typing {pause:500}.

For example, you could create an Auto Login Macro that includes the user name, tab key, password, field exit, and pauses where needed. This would look like:


This can be used on any field that accepts hex codes. Macros may use multiple pauses as needed, and will force subsequent macros to join a queue to play in order as completed.

Macros can also be used to invoke scripts. The format required to successfully execute a script is shown below:


These macros can be put in any field that requires a command value, such as menu items, buttons, or keys. The entirety of a script can be included within this macro.

Closed5250 Emulation Keys

5250 Key Named Value Hex Value
Attention {attention} {hex:0001}
Backspace {backspace} {hex:0008}
Back Tab {back-tab} {hex:E00F}
Clear {clear} {hex:0003}
Delete {delete} {hex:E053}
Dup {dup} {hex:E04F}
Enter {send} {hex:000A}
Erase Input {erase-input} {hex:0005}
Field Exit {field-exit} {hex:000D}
Field Minus {field-minus} {hex:E076}
Field Plus {field-plus} {hex:E084}
Free Cursor {free-cursor} {hex:E021}
Help {help} {hex:0007}
Home {home} {hex:E047}
Insert {insert} {hex:E052}
Print {print} {hex:0010}
Quiet Mode {quiet-mode} {hex:E010}
Reset {reset} {hex:001B}
Roll Up {roll-up} {hex:E049}
Roll Down {roll-down} {hex:E051}
System Request {system-req} {hex:0013}
Tab {tab} {hex:0009}
Left Arrow {left} {hex:E04B}
Right Arrow {right} {hex:E04D}
Up Arrow {up} {hex:E048}
Down Arrow {down} {hex:E050}
F1 {F1} {hex:E03B}
F2 {F2} {hex:E03C}
F3 {F3} {hex:E03D}
F4 {F4} {hex:E03E}
F5 {F5} {hex:E03F}
F6 {F6} {hex:E040}
F7 {F7} {hex:E041}
F8 {F8} {hex:E042}
F9      {F9}   {hex:E043}  
F10 {F10} {hex:E044}
F11 {F11} {hex:E054}
F12 {F12} {hex:E055}
F13 {F13} {hex:E056}
F14 {F14} {hex:E057}
F15 {F15} {hex:E058}
F16 {F16} {hex:E059}
F17 {F17} {hex:E05A}
F18 {F18} {hex:E05B}
F19 {F19} {hex:E05C}
F20 {F20} {hex:E05D}
F21 {F21} {hex:E05E}
F22 {F22} {hex:E05F}
F23 {F23} {hex:E060}
F24 {F24} {hex:E061}

Closed3270 Emulation Keys

3270 Key Named Value Hex Value
Attention {attention} {hex:0001}
Backspace {backspace} {hex:0008}
Back Tab {back-tab} {hex:E00F}
Clear {clear-3270} {hex:001B}
Delete {delete} {hex:E053}
Dup {dup} {hex:E04F}
Enter {enter} {hex:000D}
Erase EOF {erase-eof} {hex:000F}
Erase Input {erase-input} {hex:0005}
Field Mark {field-mark} {hex:0006}
Free Cursor {free-cursor} {hex:E021}
Home {home} {hex:E047}
Insert {insert} {hex:E052}
New Line {new-line} {hex:000E}
Quiet Mode {quiet-mode} {hex:E010}
Reset {reset-3270} {hex:001B}
System Request {system-req} {hex:0013}
Tab {tab} {hex:0009}
Left Arrow {left} {hex:E04B}
Right Arrow {right} {hex:E04D}
Up Arrow {up} {hex:E048}
Down Arrow {down} {hex:E050}
PA1 {pa1} {hex:EE31}
PA2 {pa2} {hex:EE32}
PA3 {pa3} {hex:EE33}
F1 {F1} {hex:E03B}
F2 {F2} {hex:E03C}
F3 {F3} {hex:E03D}
F4 {F4} {hex:E03E}
F5 {F5} {hex:E03F}
F6 {F6} {hex:E040}
F7 {F7} {hex:E041}
F8 {F8} {hex:E042}
F9 {F9} {hex:E043}
F10 {F10} {hex:E044}
F11 {F11} {hex:E054}
F12 {F12} {hex:E055}
F13 {F13} {hex:E056}
F14 {F14} {hex:E057}
F15 {F15} {hex:E058}
F16 {F16} {hex:E059}
F17 {F17} {hex:E05A}
F18 {F18} {hex:E05B}
F19 {F19} {hex:E05C}
F20 {F20} {hex:E05D}
F21 {F21} {hex:E05E}
F22 {F22} {hex:E05F}
F23 {F23} {hex:E060}
F24 {F24} {hex:E061}

ClosedVT-100 Emulation Keys

VT-100 Key Named Value Hex Value
Return {return} {hex:000D}
Enter {enter-vt} {hex:E012}
Backspace {backspace} {hex:0008}
Backspace (Delete) {DEL} {hex:007F}
Tab {tab} {hex:0009}
Back Tab {back-tab} {hex:E00F}
Up Arrow {up} {hex:E048}
Left Arrow {left} {hex:E04B}
Right Arrow {right} {hex:E04D}
Down Arrow {down} {hex:E050}
ESC {ESC} {hex:001B}
BS {BS} {hex:0008}
LF {LF} {hex:000A}
Hard Reset {hard-reset} {hex:E023}
PF1 {F1} {hex:E03B}
PF2 {F2} {hex:E03C}
PF3 {F3} {hex:E03D}
PF4 {F4} {hex:E03E}

ClosedVT-220 Emulation Keys

VT-220 Key Named Value Hex Value
Return {return} {hex:000D}
Enter {enter-vt} {hex:E012}
Backspace {backspace} {hex:0008}
Backspace (Delete) {DEL} {hex:007F}
Tab {tab} {hex:0009}
Back Tab {back-tab} {hex:E00F}
Up Arrow {up} {hex:E048}
Down Arrow {down} {hex:E050}
Left Arrow {left} {hex:E04B}
Right Arrow {right} {hex:E04D}
Hard Reset {hard-reset} {hex:E023}
Soft Reset {soft-reset} {hex:E01F}
Find {find} {hex:E047}
Select {select} {hex:E04F}
Insert Here {insert-here} {hex:E052}
Remove {remove} {hex:E053}
Previous Screen {prev-screen} {hex:E049}
Next Screen {next-screen} {hex:E051}
PF1 {F1} {hex:E03B}
PF2 {F2} {hex:E03C}
PF3 {F3} {hex:E03D}
PF4 {F4} {hex:E03E}
Break {F5} {hex:E03F}
F6 {F6} {hex:E040}
F7 {F7} {hex:E041}
F8 {F8} {hex:E042}
F9 {F9} {hex:E043}
F10 {F10} {hex:E044}
F11 {F11} {hex:E054}
F12 {F12} {hex:E055}
F13 {F13} {hex:E056}
F14 {F14} {hex:E057}
F15/Help {F15} {hex:E058}
F16/Do {F16} {hex:E059}
F17 {F17} {hex:E05A}
F18 {F18} {hex:E05B}
F19 {F19} {hex:E05C}
F20 {F20} {hex:E05D}

Closed5250/3270/VT Character Map

Character Hex Value
Space {hex:0020}
! {hex:0021}
" {hex:0022}
# {hex:0023}
$ {hex:0024}
% {hex:0025}
& {hex:0026}


( {hex:0028}
) {hex:0029}
* {hex:002A}
+ {hex:002B}
, {hex:002C}
- {hex:002D}
. {hex:002E}
/ {hex:002F}
0 {hex:0030}
1 {hex:0031}
2 {hex:0032}
3 {hex:0033}
4 {hex:0034}
5 {hex:0035}
6 {hex:0036}
7 {hex:0037}
8 {hex:0038}
9 {hex:0039}
: {hex:003A}
; {hex:003B}
< {hex:003C}
= {hex:003D}
> {hex:003E}
? {hex:003F}
@ {hex:0040}
A {hex:0041}
B {hex:0042}
C {hex:0043}
D {hex:0044}
E {hex:0045}
F {hex:0046}
G {hex:0047}
H {hex:0048}
I {hex:0049}
J {hex:004A}
K {hex:004B}
L {hex:004C}
M {hex:004D}
N {hex:004E}
O {hex:004F}
P {hex:0050}
Q {hex:0051}
R {hex:0052}
S {hex:0053}
T {hex:0054}
U {hex:0055}
V {hex:0056}
W {hex:0057}
X {hex:0058}
Y {hex:0059}
Z {hex:005A}
[ {hex:005B}
\ {hex:005C}
] {hex:005D}
^ {hex:005E}
_ {hex:005F}
` {hex:0060}
a {hex:0061}
b {hex:0062}
c {hex:0063}
d {hex:0064}
e {hex:0065}
f {hex:0066}
g {hex:0067}
h {hex:0068}
i {hex:0069}
j {hex:006A}
k {hex:006B}
l {hex:006C}
m {hex:006D}
n {hex:006E}
o {hex:006F}
p {hex:0070}
q {hex:0071}
r {hex:0072}
s {hex:0073}
t {hex:0074}
u {hex:0075}
v {hex:0076}
w {hex:0077}
x {hex:0078}
y {hex:0079}
z {hex:007A}
{ {hex:007B}
| {hex:007C}
} {hex:007D}
~ {hex:007E}

ClosedControl Character Map

Character Named Value Hex Value
^@ {NUL} {hex:EE32}
^A {SOH} {hex:0001}
^B {STX} {hex:0002}
^C {ETX} {hex:0003}
^D {EOT} {hex:0004}
^E {ENQ} {hex:0005}
^F {ACK} {hex:0006}
^G {BEL} {hex:0007}
^H {BS} {hex:0008}
^I {TAB} {hex:0009}
^J {LF} {hex:000A}
^K {VT} {hex:000B}
^L {FF} {hex:000C}
^M {CR} {hex:000D}
^N {SO} {hex:000E}
^O {SI} {hex:000F}
^P {DLE} {hex:0010}
^Q {DC1} {hex:0011}
^R {DC2} {hex:0012}
^S {DC3} {hex:0013}
^T {DC4} {hex:0014}
^U {NAK} {hex:0015}
^V {SYN} {hex:0016}
^W {ETB} {hex:0017}
^X {CAN} {hex:0018}
^Y {EM} {hex:0019}
^Z {SUB} {hex:001A}
^[ {ESC} {hex:001B}
^\ {FS} {hex:001C}
^] {GS} {hex:001D}
^^ {RS} {hex:001E}
^_ {US} {hex:001F}
^? {DEL} {hex:007F}

ClosedWeb Keys

Web Key Named Value
Enter {enter}
Tab {tab}
Back {navigate-back}
Forward {navigate-forward}
Refresh {navigate-refresh}


This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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Not what I expected
