Avalanche powered by Wavelink

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

Android Bulk Enrollment

If you have multiple Android devices that you need to enroll in Avalanche, you can mass enroll them by uploading a single configuration file to each device. After you install the agent on a device, Avalanche will register the enroll.prf file and its contents, using that information to automatically enroll the device when the Avalanche Enabler is first run at the device level. This way you don't have to manually enter the login credentials for Avalanche on each device to enroll it.

Samsung SAFE devices should not be enrolled via file enrollment. Otherwise, some SAFE-enabled configurations from the Avalanche server may not work as intended.

Once you install the agent on a device, you can edit the enroll.prf file and format it as follows:

enrollid=[Enrollment ID]

pwd=[Enrollment Password]

server=[Avalanche Server Address]

Once you've created the enroll.prf file, you can store it on your Android devices at the following locations:

Zebra devices: /enterprise/usr/persist/

Android 4.4+: /internal sdcard/persist/

Android 4.3 or older: /external sdcard/persist/

After the file is uploaded to the device, you can run the Avalanche Enabler app and it will automatically reference the enrollment file and add the device to Avalanche's inventory.

After uploading the file to your Android devices, you may need to activate the Enabler app as the device's administrator for enrollment to work.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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