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> Getting Started > What's New in This Version

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What's New in This Version

New in Avalanche 6.1 SP3

Custom properties. You can create custom properties for Android devices both from the Device Details page as well as through Custom Properties Payload for use in filtering and selection criteria. You can also create a file for device-side properties.

Android bulk enrollment. You can create a configuration file for Android devices with your server's enrollment credentials and then upload it to your devices. When the Avalanche Enabler app is launched on the device, it automatically enrolls and adds the device to your inventory.

Support Bluetooth properties. When a device with paired Bluetooth devices is synced with Avalanche, any such Bluetooth pairings appear as properties from the Device Details screen.

Configurable file location. When creating a File Payload, you can set the location of where to put files on managed devices.

Blackout support. By adding a file to Android devices, you can prevent Avalanche from syncing new profile settings and payloads on the device. This is especially helpful when devices are in use, as such syncs could impact employee productivity.

Force sync on power. By adding additional attributes to the blackout file, users can force or prevent an Android device from automatically syncing with Avalanche after it powers on.

LDAPS authentication. SSL encryption (LDAPS) is an available option when selecting LDAP authentication from System Settings.

Force device reboot, invoke applications, and resync. When creating a Smart Device Profile, you can force devices to reboot when they receive the associated payloads, or to invoke (launch) an application installed as part of a Software Payload. Once payloads associated with the profile are applied to the device, the behaviors are enforced. You can also select the option to force devices to resync upon a successful sync, to ensure all profile settings are received.

New in Avalanche 6.1 SP2

OS update payload. Send a compressed file to enrolled Zebra Android devices for download and installation. From this payload, you can specify where update files are hosted and when they should be downloaded or installed. For more information, see OS Update Payload (Android).

New in Avalanche 6.1 SP1

EAP-TLS support added. Another method of wireless LAN authentication is now available, utilizing certificates on both the device and server to establish a secure connection. This feature requires the Wavelink Certificate Management Server. For more information, see Configuring WLAN Settings.

Silently install certificates on WinCE devices. Whereas before, device users were prompted to accept a certificate when it was first installed, this alert has now been removed and all devices using WinCE will silently install certificates with no user interaction. For more information, see Deploying Certificates.

PKCS#12 certificates are supported for Remote Control. PKCS#12 certificates no longer need to be exported to the keystore.jks format for use with Remote Control. The .p12 format is fully supported for immediate use. For more information, see SSL Certificates.

Wifi Payload changes. When a WiFi payload is unapplied from a device, the settings are not deleted from the device and must be removed manually or through a selective wipe. For more information, see WiFi Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Request Immediate Check In is not selected by default. When deploying payloads to assigned devices, the task scheduler no longer forces devices to check in by default. This option must be manually selected. For more information, see Deploying Changes.

Increased File payload sizes. Files attached to this payload can now be as large as 5MB. For more information, see File Payload (Android).

Software payload changes. When multiple software payloads are deployed with a different version of the same application, the newer software payload will overwrite the existing one, but it will not alter any existing app configurations on the device.

New in Avalanche 6.1

Certificate management. Integrate Avalanche with Microsoft SCEP and automatically track, request, and renew certificates stored on managed AIDC mobile devices. After adding certificate management server details to the System Settings screen and your Network and Mobile Device profiles, Avalanche automatically distributes any hosted certificates and distributes certificate requests directly to your certificate management server. For more information, see Certificate Management.

Android Device File payload. Send files directly to managed Android devices. This new payload allows you to upload a single file and mass deploy it to devices with external SD cards. For ruggedized Motorola Android devices, if an external SD card cannot be found, the file is stored locally on the device. For more information, see File Payload (Android).

Android Wifi priority. Avalanche-deployed wifi payloads have a higher priority over manually-configured and auto-scanned wifi settings on the device. Devices with a Wifi payload will attempt this connection first before attempting any other networks. For more information, see WiFi Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Dynamic folder assignment. Set the default Mobile Device Profile to dynamically assign devices to different regions and folders each time a mobile device syncs. If the device properties change between syncs, the AIDC device is moved to the new folder automatically and inherits all new payloads. For more information, see Using Selection Criteria.

LDAP Avalanche sign-in. Sign in to the Avalanche Web Console using your LDAP credentials. Provide the credentials for LDAP Integration Services on the System Settings page to enable this. For more information, see Configuring General System Settings.

LANDESK Fuse integration. Configure a Fuse server to interface with Avalanche and deliverapps through Fuse for users to download and install. For more information, see LANDESK Fuse.

Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP). Enables setup-free deployment of iOS devices through Apple. When using Apple DEP, you can associate Avalanche services with any newly-purchased device and automatically apply payloads to an iPhone, iPod, or iPad prior to shipping. When your Smart device arrives, it already contains all policy changes you require and can immediately be distributed. For more information, see Apple Device Enrollment Program.

Windows Phone 8.1 device support. Wipe Windows Phone and Windows Embedded Handheld 8.1 devices, restrict unenrollment, set email exchanges, and create application whitelists through the Avalanche Console. To create an app whitelist, see Restrictions Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Windows Embedded Handheld bulk enrollment. Configure email credentials for enrolling multiple newly-purchased devices with one email address rather than using LDAP. For more information, see Configuring General System Settings.

Windows Phone Application Enrollment Token payload. Configure application enrollment tokens for Windows enterprise apps deployed via the software payload. This payload allows you to distribute enterprise apps directly to your Windows Phone and Windows Embedded Handheld 8.1 devices, bypassing the Windows Phone Store completely. For more information, see Application Enrollment Token (Windows Phone).

Windows Wifi payload. Configure credentials for accessing a wireless network on a Windows Phone device. This includes the SSID and password, encryption and authentication types, and proxy settings. For more information, see WiFi Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Windows Device Settings payload. Configure additional settings on Windows Phone and Windows Embedded Handheld 8.1 devices. With this payload you can set an NTP server address for synchronizing the time between multiple Windows Phone devices. For more information, see Device Settings Payload (Windows Phone).

Windows Phone 8 device wipe. Administrators can delete a Windows Phone 8 device from the Console inventory, perform a selective wipe that removes Avalanche information from the device, or perform a factory reset. For more information, see Wiping a Mobile Device.

Windows Phone 8 passcode payload. Configure passcode restrictions for a Windows Phone 8 device. This includes how many and what type of characters to use to unlock the device. For more information, see Passcodes Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Silent Android Enabler installation and updates. Updating and installing the Android enabler on MC40 Android devices through the Software Payload occurs silently without notification or user interaction.

Motorola MC40 device scanner options. Configure scanner decoding and barcode settings for MC40 devices using Wavelink Terminal Emulation. For more information, see TE Client Settings Payload (Android/iOS).

External SD card encryption. Encrypt and decrypt external SD cards on Samsung SAFE devices to protect the integrity of company data. For more information, see Restrictions Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Wavelink Productivity Pack Configuration payload. Deliver custom keyboard bundles to devices using Wavelink Terminal Emulation. For more information, see Productivity Pack Configuration (Android/iOS).

Silent app install on Samsung SAFE devices. Push an app to the device and have it install without device user interaction. For more information, see Software Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Samsung SAFE Exchange payload. Send information to Android devices about the Exchange server so users can access their email accounts. For more information, see Exchange / ActiveSync Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Samsung SAFE network restrictions payload. Restrict network access for an Android device’s default browser. This includes whitelisting, blacklisting, or redirecting traffic. For more information, see Network Restrictions Payload (Android).

Updated restrictions payload for Android devices. New restriction options for Samsung SAFE devices. This includes restricting the Play Store, uninstalling apps, or more granular control over specific apps. For example, you could restrict one app from using NFC but allow NFC for other apps. For more information, see Restrictions Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

Apple VPP support. Purchase corporate apps through the Apple Volume Purchasing Program and then distribute the apps and assign licenses to employees. For more information, see Using Apple VPP.

Wavelink Studio configuration payloads. Configure host profiles, SSL certificates, and other settings for Studio Clients installed on iOS devices. For more information, see Studio Host Profile Configuration Payload (iOS), Studio Client Settings Payload (iOS), or Studio SSL Certificate Payload (iOS).

PKCS #12 support. When creating certificates for Wavelink Remote Control, you no longer need to convert keys to JKS. Instead, you can use P12 format for server certificates. For more information, see Importing the Certificate for Remote Control.

LANDESK Mobility Manager Integration. You can integrate your existing Avalanche server with LANDESK Mobility Manager and manage all mobile and Smart devices from the one interface. For more information, see LANDESK Mobility Manager.

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View the current version of the User Guide.

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