What's New in Environment Manager?

Version 2023.3

In addition to code enhancements and bug fixes the following features are included:

Outlook Search Index Roaming

Environment Manager now supports per-user Outlook Search Index persistence through cache roaming.

Ability to deploy through Ivanti Neurons

Customers with both Ivanti Neurons and Environment Manager now can use Ivanti Neurons to deploy the Environment Manager engine and deploy policies via the Ivanti Neurons agent management feature. Learn more about Integrating Environment Manager with Ivanti Neurons

Personalization: Change Tracking

Enable the new Change Tracking feature for Personalization to track configuration changes including the original and new values, the login ID, and the timestamp of the change. This feature applies to both Application groups and Windows Settings groups.

Updates to Agent Installer

The agent installer now installs the following signed binary files in the agent folder:

  • RefreshNow.exe

  • SetBrowserForUser.exe

  • SetPdfViewer.exe, and

  • SetMailClient.exe.

We have introduced a new predefined session variable called $(ClientPath) for your convenience. This variable provides the full path to the agent binary folder. This addition means that it's now easy to reference these programs from within a custom action.

Increased IIS Sync Limits

The default limits for the MaxHTTPCollectionKeys and MaxAllowedContentLength keys have been increased to better support IIS Syncs. They have been set to 10,000 and 100,000,000 (95.37MB), respectively.

Existing values will be overwritten for upgrading customers.

Improved default settings for GeoSyncAgent

Following feedback from implementers, we have updated the default values for the Geo Sync Agent keys to better align with customer requirements. The new settings are outlined below. They will not be applied to configurations of existing customers who upgrade to this version.

<add key=”GeoSyncAgentRetryCount” value=”4" />

<add key=”GeoSyncAgentRetryWaitMs” value=”600” />

<add key=”GeoSyncAgentNonDeadlockRetryWaitMs” value=”10000” />

<add key=”GeoSyncAgentDefaultCommandTimeoutSecs” value=”180” />

<add key=”GeoSyncAgentReconnectTries” value=”6” />

<add key=”GeoSyncAgentReconnectDelayMs” value=”10000” />

<add key=”GeoSyncMaxConsecutiveErrors” value=”100” />

Encrypted SQL Communication

The Management/Personalization Server now supports encrypted (with certificate validation) communication with SQL.

Previous Versions