Verify Trusted Agents Connections to the Trusted Agents Hub

When a Trusted Agent fails to connect to a Trusted Agents Hub, you should verify connection settings and shared keys between the Trusted Agents Service and Trusted Agents Hub.

For example, you should verify:

  • The Trusted Agents Hub is enabled and operational. See Verify that a Trusted Agents Hub is Operational.
  • You can connect to the CSM Browser Client from the machine that is hosting the Trusted Agents Service. If you cannot, the network connection between the Trusted Agent and Trusted Agents Hub may be experiencing a problem.
  • A firewall is not preventing outbound communication from a Trusted Agent to the Trusted Agents Hub on port 443 (if using HTTPS) or port 80 (if not using HTTPS). (HTTPS should be used for all production Trusted Agents deployments.)
  • The URL specified for the Trusted Agents Hub is valid and points to theCSM Browser Client web application. See Verify that a Trusted Agents Hub is Operational.
  • The shared key specified for the Trusted Agent Service in Cherwell Server Manager on the Trusted Agents Server exactly matches the shared key for the Trusted Agents Hub using Cherwell Server Manager on the CSM web server. See Configure the Trusted Agents Hub in the Server Manager.
  • Enable Debug level logging on the Trusted Agents Service to determine more information about the cause of the problem. See Trusted Agents Logging