About Customer Portals

Customers can perform several tasks when using a CSM Portal.

  • Access a Service Catalog.
  • Log Incidents and Service Requests.
  • Complete common self-service functions (example: Reset a password).
  • Access Knowledge Articles.
  • Access a document repository, if configured.
  • Monitor important metrics via a dashboard.

Portal window showing access to self service items such as IT Services

A Portal comprises one or more configurable Portal sites, each of which can display completely different information. For example, there might be a primary IT site, but also different sites for other departments or functions. Any particular site can be made up of a number of site items.

Several starter Portal sites are available to you. These include Portal-specific forms, dashboards, and more. For example, CSM provides a IT Services Management (ITSM) Portal Site. The site is built using OOTB site items, such as a Service Catalog, forms specific to the Portal, dashboards specific to the service desk, and predefined properties (header/footer, menu bar). You can implement and use any OOTB IT Portal Site as provided, modify it, or create new sites to meet the needs of your organization.