Add Skills Management Elements to Incident Category Form

Use the Form Editor (accessed from within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator) to add mApp Solution elements to the Incident Category Form.

This functionality is only available if you have applied the Skills Management mApp Solution.

To add the Skills Management Elements to the Incident Category Form:

  1. From the Current view drop-down list, select Default.
  2. Under Show object types, select the Lookup tables option.
  3. In the Business Object tree, select Incident Category.
  4. Under Appearance, select the Edit form link.
  5. From the Incident Category forms list, double-click Incident Category.
    The Incident Category Form opens.
  6. Under the Incident Category Fields list, drag the Required Skill field onto the Form. Depending on your preference, you can copy both controls.
  7. To set the coordinates (and size) to position the label and field, select the label or field, right-click and select Position and Size.
    The recommended coordinates and size are as follows:
     Base Layout

    Left: 528
    Top: 118


    Left: 530
    Top: 150
    Width: 400
    Height: 30

  8. Select OK.
  9. To copy the location to other languages, select the label or field and right-click Localization Options > Copy between cultures.
  10. Select the Copy values to the following cultures option and select all cultures that apply.
  11. Select Apply.
  12. Publish the Blueprint.