Implementing Email Accounts

To get started with email, you can implement the CSM default email system by completing a worksheet, configuring test and production accounts, and configuring a global test email account.

To implement the default email system:

  1. Complete the email worksheet.
  2. Configure test and production accounts.
  3. Configure a CSM global email account for testing.
    1. Define account settings. Account options include:
    2. Define default From Address for the global account.
    3. Define default email history attachment options.
  4. Configure a CSM global email accounts.
    1. Define account settings. Account options include:
    2. Define default From Address for the global account.
    3. Define default email history attachment options.

      Alternatively, configure these settings using the Getting Started Page in CSM Administrator (Help > Go to Getting Started Page).

  5. Implement email notifications.
  6. Configure the production email account.