Enable Anonymous View or Edit of a Specific Business Object

The CSM Portal can be configured to allow Anonymous users to view specific Business Objects and associated fields. Any Business Objects associated with form controls, dashboards, widgets, and actions enabled for Anonymous access will also need to be enabled for Anonymous access.

Anonymous access requires some initial configuration. See Anonymous Security Group for specific information.

To enable anonymous view of a specific Business Object:

  1. In CSM Administrator, select Security > Edit security groups.
  2. In the Group drop-down list, select the Anonymous Security Group (OOTB: Anonymous Browser).
  3. Select the Business Objects tab.
  4. In the Business Object drop-down list, select the specific Business Object (Example: Knowledge Articles) you want to allow Anonymous users to view.
  5. You can allow anonymous users to only view Business Objects, or you can allow them to add records to the Business Object (example: Allowing users to fill out a survey using the CSM Portal without logging into the application).
    • To provide view-only access: Select the View check box for the Business Object and all associated fields you want the anonymous user to be able to view. You must also grant View permissions to any Business Objects associated with the selected Business Object. For example, if the Knowledge Articles Business Object is associated with the Journal - Comment Business Object, you would additionally provide View access to Journal - Comment).
    • To provide access to add records: Select the View and Add check boxes for the Business Object and all associated fields you want the anonymous user to be able to interact with. You must also grant View permissions to any Business Objects associated with the selected Business Object. For example, if the Knowledge Articles Business Object is associated with the Journal - Comment Business Object, you would additionally provide View access to Journal - Comment).

      Records created by anonymous forms have a CreatedByID field that populates with a dummy user ID, so the record will save successfully.

  6. Optional: Select Limit records based on criteria and Browse to configure a custom query to limit the records available to Anonymous Users.
  7. Select Save.