Trusted Agent Host Command-Line Options
Use the Command-Line Configure (CLC) /trustedagenthost major command to access all sub-commands for the Trusted Agent Host and host configuration.
/trustedagenthost /trustedagenthostpingfrequency=60 /trustedagenthosthubsharedkey=supersecretkey
Sub-command | Description |
/trustedagenthostlogtologserver |
If true, Trusted Agent Host will log to the log server. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/trustedagenthostlogserverloglevel |
The minimum log level at which logs will be sent to the log server. Accepted values: {fatal | error | warning | info | stats | debug} |
/trustedagenthostlogtoeventlog |
If true, Trusted Agent Host will log to the event log. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/trustedagenthostlogeventloglevel |
The minimum log level at which logs will be sent to the event log. Accepted values: {fatal | error | warning | info | stats | debug} |
/trustedagenthostlogtofile |
If true, Trusted Agent Host will log to the file system log. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/trustedagenthostlogfileloglevel |
The minimum log level at which logs will be sent to the file system log. Accepted values: {fatal | error | warning | info | stats | debug} |
/trustedagenthostlogfilepath |
The path to the file system logs. Accepted values: string |
/trustedagenthostlogmaxfilesizeinmb |
The maximum log file size in MB. Accepted values: integer |
/trustedagenthostlogmaxfilesbeforerollover |
The maximum number of log files before files roll over. Accepted values: integer |
/trustedagenthostdisplayname |
Overrides the display name of Trusted Agent Host. Accepted values: string |
/trustedagenthosthuburl |
The URL that is used for Trusted Agent communication. HTTPS is recommended. Accepted values: {url} |
/trustedagenthosthubsharedkey |
The shared key that is used for Trusted Agent communication. Accepted values: string |
/trustedagenthostpingfrequency |
The hub ping frequency in seconds. The default value is 30 seconds. Accepted values: integer |
Use the /trustagenthostinstall sub-command to install the Trusted Agent Host Service.
/trustedagenthost /trustedagenthostinstall /trustedagenthostinstallaccount=LocalService
/trustedagenthost /trustedagenthostinstall /trustedagenthostinstalluserid=Bob /trustedagenthostinstallpassword=1234 /trustedagenthostinstallaccount=NetworkService
Sub-command | Description |
/trustedagenthostinstallaccount |
The account used by the service. This sub-command is optional if /trustedagenthostinstalluserid and /trustedagenthostinstallpassword have valid values. If no values for the /trustedagenthostinstallaccount sub-command or /trustedagenthostinstalluserid or /trustedagenthostinstallpassword sub-commands are provided, then LocalSystem is used. Accepted values: {LocalService|LocalSystem|NetworkService} |
/trustedagenthostinstallautostart |
Sets the service to auto-start during installation. The default value is false. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/trustedagenthostinstallpassword |
The password used by the service to log on. This sub-command is optional if /trustedagenthostinstallaccount has a valid value. Accepted values: string |
/trustedagenthostinstalluserid |
The user ID used by the service to log on. This sub-command is optional if /trustedagenthostinstallaccount has a valid value. Accepted values: string |
Use the /trustedagenthoststart sub-command to start the Trusted Agent Host Windows service. There are no options for this sub-command.
/trustedagenthost /trustedagenthoststart
Use the /trustedagenthoststop sub-command to stop the Trusted Agent Host Windows service. There are no options for this sub-command.
/trustedagenthost /trustedagenthoststop
Use the /trustedagenthostuninstall sub-command to uninstall the Trusted Agent Host Windows service. There are no options for this sub-command.
/trustedagenthost /trustedagenthostuninstall
Use the /trustedagenthub sub-command to configure the settings for the Trusted Agent hub.
/trustedagenthub /trustedagenthubenable=true
/trustedagenthub /trustedagenthubenable=true /trustedagenthuboperationtimeout=60 /trustedagenthubregistrationtimeout=360
Sub-command | Description |
/trustedagenthubenable |
Enable or disable the use of Trusted Agents. The default value is false. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/trustedagenthuburl |
The URL that is used for Trusted Agent communications. HTTPS is recommended. Accepted values: {url} |
/trustedagenthubsharedkey |
Value to use as the shared key for Trusted Agent communications. Accepted values: string |
/trustedagenthubgeneratesharedkey |
Generates a new cryptographically secure key for the Trusted Agent shared key. This key is then used as the value for /trustedagenthubsharedkey. |
/trustedagenthuboperationtimeout |
The operation timeout for Trusted Agents in seconds. The default value is 30 seconds. Accepted values: integer |
/trustedagenthubregistrationtimeout |
The registration timeout for Trusted Agents in seconds. The default value is 180 seconds. Accepted values: integer |