Using the Tools menu

The following table describes the Tools menu items and functions:

The exact options available to you depend on the license you have.

Menu Item


Synchronize Domain Members

Updates the database using a current list of users and groups for a domain or machine.

Import Domain Members

Imports all of your Azure AD users and user groups from a JSON file. See Importing Domain Members.

Database Maintenance

Deletes log and computer database scan files created before a specified date.

User Access

Defines Enterprise Administrators and Administrators by allowing you to assign access rights for setting permissions and viewing audit information for administrator actions.

Password Recovery Wizard

Allows administrator access to recover a password to unlock an encrypted storage device.

Default Options

Changes the default option settings for users and computers.

Path Rules

Uses file paths and trusted owners to define which applications can run.

Spread Check

Prevents the spread of self-propagating code by disabling suspicious executables that have been locally authorized on multiple computers.

Send Updates to All Computers

Transmits the latest setting and permission changes to all managed devices. Changes can be sent manually or automatically when computers restart or at the next login event.

Send Updates to

Transmits the latest setting and permission changes to specific computers on the network.

Export Settings

Places file authorization settings in an external file that can be sent to clients working offline to update file authorization lists.

Endpoint Maintenance

Creates and saves maintenance tickets for computers and computer groups that allows modification of protected files and registries for clients.

Temporary Permission Offline

Generates a code that can be communicated to users by phone to grant them device permissions on a temporary basis when working without a network connection.

Notification Filters

Configure which notifications your end-users see. For more information, see Notification Filters.

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