The Vulnerabilities/Patch Content View

The Groups page view contains identical functionality to Patch Content page, but from this view, you can apply patch content to the endpoint groups you have created. Unlike the Patch Content page, this view will display only patch content applicable to the selected group.

The Patch Content Browser

When working within the Patch Content view, you can browse through content using the Patch Content Browser.

For more information, see The Patch Content Browser.

The Vulnerabilities/Patch Content View Toolbar

This toolbar contains buttons related to the management of content. You can also launch deployments using this toolbar.

The following table describes the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content view toolbar functions.




Enables the selected disabled content item(s). For additional information, refer to Enabling Content within a Group.

This button is only available when a disabled item is selected.


Disables the selected enabled content item(s). For additional information, refer to Disabling Content Globally.

This button is only available when a enabled item is selected.

Do Not Patch...

Disables the selected patch for specific groups and endpoint that you select. For more information, see Disabling Content for Groups/Endpoints.

Add to List...

Adds content selected from the page list to a Custom Patch List. For additional information, refer to Adding Content to a Custom Patch List.


Removes content selected from a Custom Patch List. For additional information, refer to Removing Content from a Custom Patch List.

Update Cache

Caches (downloads or re-downloads) the package associated with the selected content item(s) (or the scripts associated with downloading the package(s). For additional information, refer to Updating the Cache.


Deploys selected content. For additional information, refer to Deploying Selected Content (Vulnerabilities View).

Scan Now


Opens the Scan Now menu.

Discover Applicable Updates...

(Scan Now Menu Item)

Prompts the Discover Applicable Updates task to immediately check the endpoints (Patch and Remediation only). For additional information, refer to Using Scan Now (Endpoint Details Page).

Virus and Malware Scan...

(Scan Now Menu Item)

Prompts Ivanti Endpoint Security to immediately scan endpoints for virus and malware. For additional information, refer to Using the Virus and Malware Scan Wizard.


Exports the page data to a comma-separated value (.csv) file. For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.

Important: The Enhanced Security Configuration feature for Internet Explorer suppresses export functionality and must be disabled to export data successfully. Pop-up blockers in Internet Explorer or other supported browsers may also suppress export functionality and should be disabled.

Add to Mandatory Baseline

Adds patches you select from the grid to a group's Mandatory Baseline



Opens the Options menu. For additional information, refer to The Options Menu.

The Vulnerabilities/Patch Content View List

This list displays content that applies to the selected group. You can also filter this list to display specific content items. Additionally, each item lists identification information and endpoint statistics.

You can filter the list by using Patch Content filters, see Patch Content Filters.





The content item status, which indicates when the server downloaded the content item metadata. For additional information, refer to Content Status and Type.

Package Status

The cache status for the content item, which indicates if the server downloaded the content item packages. For additional information, refer to Content Icons and Descriptions.



The content item name, which links to the Patch Status of the item. For additional information, refer to The Patch Status Page.

Content Type


Indicates the content item type. For more information, see one of the following topics:



The name of the vendor that created the software in the content item.

Vendor Release Date


The date and time that the vendor released the software in the content item.

Number of endpoints which came up Patched

The number of endpoints patched with the content item.

Number of endpoints which came up Not Patched

The number of endpoints not patched with the content item.

Total Applicable

The number of endpoints that the content item applies to.

Number of endpoints which came up Do Not Patch

The number of endpoints that administrators have created a patch exception for.

Percent Patched

The percentage of applicable endpoints patched with the content item.

Additionally, you can expand each content item by clicking its arrow (>). The following table describes each field that displays when you expand a content item.

The following detail information appears on this page.




Indicates if the content item is in beta.

Downloaded on (UTC)

The date and time on which the content was downloaded.

Associated packages

The number of packages associated with the content item.

Packages status

The cache status for the content item packages.

Ivanti Endpoint Security ID

The Ivanti Endpoint Security identifier for the content item.

Custom Patch Lists

A listing of all Custom Patch Lists that the content item is included in.


The enabled/disabled/completed status of the content item.

Enabled/Disabled by

The Ivanti Endpoint Security user who last disabled or enabled the content.

Enabled/Disabled date (Server)

The date and time the content was disabled or enabled.

Enable/Disable reason

The reason the user provided for disabling or enabling the content. You can click the Edit link to change the reason.

Vendor product ID

The identifier given to the security content item by the vendor.

Vendor release date/time (UTC)

The date and time the vendor released the software in the content item.

Common Vulnerability Exploit (CVE)1

The CVE number for the content.

Vulnerability Code Description1

A description of the vulnerability associated with the content item.

Reference Text1

The reference text(s) associated with the content item vulnerability.


The narrative description of the distribution package. This section may include important notes about the content item and a link to more information.

1This meta data appears conditionally based on whether it was added for the content item. Additionally, there may be multiple instances of each meta data section.

Disabling Content within a Group

You can disable content items from the Groups page as well as the content pages. Disabled content moves to the bottom of the list and is noted with a disabled status icon. Disable content to prevent it from being deployed.

Disabling content within the Vulnerabilities view also disables it on all content pages.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Vulnerabilities.
  3. Select a group from the Group Browser.
  4. If necessary, define filter criteria and click Update View.
  5. Select one or more content items that you want to disable.

    If you select the Select All check box, all content visible on the page is selected. However, you can select all available content by clicking the Select All link.

  6. Click Disable.

    If you disable a content item that's already been cached, the package will not be updated if a new version of the content item is released.

  7. The selected content is disabled.

Enabling Content within a Group

After disabling a content item, re-enable it for deployment availability. You can re-enable content from the Vulnerability view regardless of where it was disabled. Enabled content is noted with an enabled status icon.

Re-enabling a content item from the Vulnerabilities also re-enables it on all content pages.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Vulnerabilities.
  3. Select a group from the Group Browser.
  4. If necessary, define filter criteria and click Update View.
  5. Select the disabled content items you want to enable.

    If you select the Select All check box, all content visible on the page is selected. However, you can select all available content by clicking the Select All link.

  6. Click Enable.
    The selected content is re-enabled.

Updating the Groups Cache

From the Vulnerabilities view, you can update the cache for selected content items. Updating the cache for content items downloads the packages (or the scripts that will download the packages) associated with those items so you can deploy them immediately.

You can update the cache for content from the Vulnerabilities view, not just other content pages.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Vulnerabilities.
  3. From the directory tree, select the group with applicable vulnerabilities that you want to cache.
  4. If necessary, designate filter criteria for the desired content and click Update View.
  5. Select the check boxes associated with the content you want to cache.
  6. Click Update Cache.
    The Warning dialog opens, informing you that the update request and this action may take an extended period of time.

    The cache will not be updated for disabled content items that have had a new version released.

  7. Click OK.
    The selected content begins caching.

Deploying Selected Content (Vulnerabilities View)

Within Ivanti Endpoint Security, content can be deployed from a number of pages, including the Groups page Vulnerabilities view. When deploying from this page, the Deployment Wizard is pre-configured to deploy your selected content to the selected group.

For additional information, refer to About Deployments.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Vulnerabilities.
  3. From the Group Browser, select the group you want to deploy content to.
  4. Select the content you want to deploy.

    If you select the Select All check box, all content visible on the page is selected. However, you can select all available content by clicking the Select All link.

  5. Click Deploy.
    The Deployment Wizard opens, pre-configured to deploy selected content to the selected group.

After Completing This Task:
Review Using the Deployment Wizard and complete subsequent tasks.

Exporting Vulnerability View Data

To export information displayed in the Vulnerability view list to a comma separated value (.csv) file, click the toolbar Export button. Exporting data lets you work with that data in other programs for reporting and analytical purposes.

For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.