Add license data

Add license data

Import, or manually create, entitlement

Match entitlement to DSL

Check metrics and paths
(Downgrades, maintenance, etc)

Entitlement data covers the contracts and license entitlement records that are owned by the organization.

You can import entitlement data may into License Optimizer using the Data Import functionality as described in Importing data. You can also create entitlement data manually in License Optimizer as described in Managing entitlement data.

When you have imported entitlement data, check that the entitlement records have been matched to the correct entry in the License Optimizer Software Library. Where appropriate, match entitlement records to the correct entry in the License Optimizer Software Library as described in License Matching.

When all records have been matched to the correct License Optimizer Software Library entry, check the Software Library configuration for the products as described in Software Library.

Next step

Add Install-based inventory → Add Usage-based Inventory → Add license data → Start Reconciliation → Data summary