You are here: Managing Projects > Deploying Projects > Deploying Projects to Devices Manually

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Deploying Projects to Devices Manually

With the Velocity Console, you can create custom keyboards, host profiles, and Client settings. These changes are imported to the Velocity Client by deploying a Velocity Console project to a .wldep file and then uploading the file directly to a Smart device. For more information on creating this compressed file, see Deploying Projects from the Velocity Console.

You can perform the upload manually through an external SD card.

To deploy a Velocity Console project to the Velocity Client manually:

1  When deployed from the Velocity Console application, projects are bundled into a single .wldep file that also contains all scripts, images, and other resources associated with the project. Copy the .wldep file onto an external SD card at the following folder: com.wavelink.velocity.

2  Remove the SD card from your computer and put it into the Android device.

3  Launch the Velocity Client on the device.

The app automatically extracts the new project details and makes them available for use. When connecting to the host profile associated with a deployed project, all of the keyboards, project settings, and element rules associated with the project are applied to the session.


This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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