You are here: Managing Projects > Modifying Web Pages > META Tags > OnStartup, OnLoaded

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OnStartup, OnLoaded

The OnStartup or OnLoaded META tags allow you to specify actions that will be taken when the web page is first loaded. OnLoaded will not be called until the page has completely loaded. There are situations where OnStartup will be called before the page is completely loaded, so images, stylesheets or JavaScript files may not be available. So, for example, if OnStartup is calling a JavaScript function referenced by the web page, the call may fail. In that case, use OnLoaded to make sure that the .js file functions are available.

An example of this tag in use is provided below.

<Title>META Tag Onloaded Example</Title>
<META http-equiv="OnLoaded" content="Javascript:helloWorld();">
function helloWorld()
alert("Hello world!");
<h1>Onloaded Example</h1>
<p>This is a sample test page.</p>

In this example, the function helloWorld() is called to display an alert on the device when the screen is fully loaded.


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View the current version of the User Guide.

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