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View the current version of the User Guide.

Deploying Projects from the Velocity Console

Prior to using a project in the Velocity Client, projects must first be deployed into a format usable by mobile and Smart devices using the client. When a project is deployed, it is stored as a .wldep file containing all the scripts, images, keyboards, and other resources needed to use the project.

To successfully deploy a project, you must create a host profile.

To deploy a project from the Velocity Console:

1  From the Velocity Console, click Deploy.

2  Click the ... button to browse for a save location.

3  Navigate to the desired location and enter a file name to save the project as. Click Save to close the dialog.

4  Click Deploy.

The project is deployed as a .wldep to the specified destination. It can now be distributed to devices manually or using a mobile device management system like Avalanche. For distribution options, see Deploying Projects.


This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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