Microsoft Active Directory Integration


Microsoft® Active Directory is a special-purpose database that stores data for objects in a network, including Customer information. Customer data from Active Directory can be imported into CSM to readily view account information such as full names, e-mail addresses, etc. for internal Customers. Active Directory integrates by connecting to the directory service, mapping objects, and enabling security settings to import Users and data into CSM.


When sharing data with Active Directory, Users will most likely want to:

  • Create an Active Directory Object.
  • Map Security Groups.
  • Import the Active Directory data into the CSM Customer-Internal Business Object (after mapping he Customer-Internal Business Object).

Steps to Integrate

Perform the following steps to import/link Microsoft Active Directory data. The detailed step-by-step instructions are also in the Integrating CSM with Microsoft Active Directory section in our online help.

Most steps are performed in CSM Administrator, within a Blueprint.

  1. Configuring CSM Directory Services Settings: Define how CSM connects with Microsoft Active Directory.
  2. Configuring Users for Directory Services: Configures CSM to import Active Directory Users.
  3. Enabling Authentication for Users: Turn on Active Directory authentication for Users.
  4. Configuring Users for Directory Services: Configures CSM to import Active Directory Customers.
  5. Enabling Authentication for Customers: Turns on Active Directory authentication for Customers.