Problem Good to Know

  • Search for one or more Problems that meet a specific criteria by running a Quick Search or Saved Search.
  • Create a new Problem by clicking New > New Problem on the CSM Desktop Client toolbar, by clicking File > New > New Problem from the CSM Desktop Client menu bar, or by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+P.
  • You can create a Problem from multiple Incidents, then attach additional Incidents when appropriate.
  • By default, Problem uses the Corporate Priority Matrix.
  • The OOTB system implements several Actions/One-Step Actions to make logging Problems more efficient. For more information about Actions and One-Step Actions, refer to the Actions/One-Step Actions documentation.

    A full list of One-Step Actions is beyond the scope of this document. Export a schema document from CSM Administrator (Create a Blueprint>Tools>Export Schema) to view a full list of One-Step Actions associated with a particular type of Business Object (example: Major).

  • CSM provides several OOTB Automation Processes to automate Problem Management. For more information, refer to the Automation Process documentation.
  • If enabled (via Automation Process), e-mail notifications are:
    • Automatically created and sent to User owners to notify them of ownership.
    • Automatically created and sent to Team owners to notify them of ownership.
  • When on a record, you can send an e-mail directly to the current Customer (Requestor) by clicking FIle > E-mail Current Customer, or by clicking the Notify Impacted Customers of Update link in the Actions section. If sent using the File menu, the e-mail is blank. If sent using the Notify Impacted Customers of Update link, an e-mail template is used to auto-populate the e-mail with information from the current Incident (example: Change ID, Customer's name, logging date/time details, etc.).
  • Journals track what occurs during the record's lifecycle (example: Notes to track progress or comments, and History to track important field changes, e-mail correspondence, etc.). View or add Journals by clicking the Journal tab in the record's Arrangement.
  • Attachments supplement records by providing additional details in the form of linked/imported files (.pdf, .doc, etc.), images, web pages, and Document Repositories. View and manage Attachments using the Attachment button Attachments Button with Arrow and Attachments bar.
  • The Default Form at the top of the Problem form shows important at-a-glance information:
    • Problem number and priority, along with the priority. Red indicates a priority 1, orange indicates a priority 2, and green indicates a priority 3-5.
    • The current status of the Problem as it moves through its workflow. The next status is displayed as a link directly beneath the current status. Click the status link to move the Problem to the next status.

      Typically, workflow statuses should be enforced; however, some records do allow Users (with security rights) to bypass statuses (example: Problems can be manually closed without being formally resolved, if needed). To bypass a status, click Select Other Status in the Actions section.

    • Resolve Within
    • Solution Type
    • Assigned To
  • Press TAB to move to the next field on the form.
  • Fields:
    • The Description field is a Rich Text field. To format the text or embed an image, click the Zoom button Zoom Button.
    • Submit a Workaround to your Knowledge Base or submit a Known Error to the Portal using their respective buttons in the Workaround and Known Error phase.

      A full list of Fields is beyond the scope of this document. Export a schema document from CSM Administrator (Create a Blueprint>Tools>Export Schema) to view a full list of fields associated with a particular type of Business Object (example: Major).

  • Saving:
    • Date, time, and user name information is recorded the first time the form is saved, and each time the form is modified.

    • Clicking Save Save Button triggers an audit of certain Problem information, such as Status, Priority, Owned By, Diagnosis, and Workaround. If a change is detected in one of those Fields, a Journal-History record is created to track the change. View the changes in the Problem Journals tab (Arrangement section).