mApp Solutions Page

Use the CSM AdministratormApp Solutions page to quickly access common mApp Solution operations.

Open the mApp Solutions page by clicking the mApp Solutions category in the CSM Administrator main window.

Common operations include:

  • View installed mApp Solutions: Opens a window to view a list of mApp Solutions that have already been installed in your system.
  • Go to the mApp Exchange: Navigates to the mApp Exchange to submit created mApp Solutions and view mApp Solutions that other Users have submitted.
  • Set Designer ID: Allows mApp Solution creators to save a unique developer ID in their current User information. The developer ID is included in history records for all definitions the creator adds to a mApp Solution.
  • View mApp Solution History: Scans definitions in the current system and displays history records (if available). The ability to view history records is based on security rights.
  • Apply a mApp Solution: Opens the Apply mApp Wizard to walk through the process of applying a mApp Solution to a CSM system.
  • Create a New mApp Solution: Creates a new unnamed mApp Solution, and then launches it in the mApp Editor.
  • Edit an Existing mApp Solution: Allows you to browse for and open an existing mApp Solution file so that you can edit it in the mApp Editor.