Dashboard Designer
The Dashboard Designer is used to manage your Dashboards. You can use the Dashboard Designer to edit existing Dashboards, create new Dashboards, and delete unwanted Dashboards.
The Dashboard Designer has the following components:

The Canvas displays the Dashboard’s main frame and all of its parts. Grid points on the Canvas are used as a reference for aligning Dashboard Parts and Splitter to one another on the Canvas.
NOTE: As a rule, Dashboard Parts should not overlap one another. However, in the design view, some Dashboard Parts might appear to overlap due to the dynamic resizing of the Dashboard.

The Palette is located in the upper‑right corner of the Dashboard Designer. It contains all the parts you can use to create or modify the Dashboard. The parts are the elements that define the appearance of the Dashboard. The size, location, and properties of the part can be modified after you add the part to the canvas.
The Dashboard Palette contains the following parts:
o Label |
o Button |
o Check Box |
o Radio Button |
o Link |
o Text Box |
o Drop-down List |
o Web View |
o Chart |
o Table View |
o Date Picker |
For more information, see Dashboard Part Properties Details.

The Properties section is located below the Pallet and displays the properties of the currently selected Dashboard Part on the Canvas (see Dashboard Part Properties Details.).

The Objects section above the Navigation Pane displays a tree view of the current Dashboard Parts and Data Sources. Selected Dashboard Parts are highlighted on the tree and on the Canvas. You can click any node on the tree to make it the active Dashboard Part.

The Toolbar is located at the top of the Dashboard pane and contains buttons to access the various Dashboard commands.
View Mode
- Design switches to Design mode (Dashboard Designer).
- Refresh updates the currently displayed content on the Dashboard.
Design Mode
- View switches to View mode and saves the Dashboard.
- Delete deletes the currently Dashboard. See Deleting a Dashboard.
- New creates a blank Dashboard canvas. See
- Copy creates a copy of the current Dashboard. See Creating a Copy of a Dashboard.
- Import opens the Import dialog box to import a predefined Dashboard into GoldMine. See Import and Export Dashboards.
- Export opens the Save As dialog box to save the current Dashboard as an XML Acronym for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a universal format that uses tags for exchanging structured documents and data on the Internet. file. See Import and Export Dashboards.
- Events opens the Event Step-by-step instructions contained in an Automated Process, or track, that GoldMine must evaluate to perform a specified series of activities. An event consists of a trigger and an action. An Automated Process consists of a sequence of one or more events. and Actions dialog box for adding, editing, and deleting events for Dashboard Parts. See Adding an Event to the Drop-Down List.
- Save saves the current Dashboard.
- Cancel aborts any changes made since the last Save and returns to View mode.
For detailed instruction using these commands, refer to "Dashboards Management" in the Administrator Guide or Online Help.