What's New
This page summarizes the new features added to recent versions of Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager. For information about bug fixes and earlier releases, see the Patch for Configuration Manager release notes.

The Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager 2024.3 release added more tests to the configuration checker (see Verify setup) and contained bug fixes. See the release notes for details.

The following features and improvements were introduced in Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager 2024.2.
Data Migration Tool
The behavior of the Refresh button has been optimized.
Configuration Checker
The Configuration Checker user interface has been improved. For more information, see Verify setup.
Enabling and disabling Role-Based Access Control
Users with the Full Administrator role can now enable and disable Role-Based Access Control using a check-box on the General tab of the Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager Settings dialog. For more information, see Role-Based Access Control.
Product grids
Standard keyboard shortcuts have been added to enable the selection and copying of entries in the product grids.
Single updates appearing in multiple Publish by filters added to multiple Software Update Groups
You can now schedule concurrent Publish by Filter tasks that add the same update to different Software Update Groups. For example, if you have two tasks, one using a filter that selects Mozilla updates and another that selects Firefox updates, then these two tasks may include updates that belong in both filters. If you then configure these tasks to add their updates to separate Software Update Groups, the updates that were in both filters are now published and added to both Software Update Groups.
For more information, see Scheduling Automatic Publications and Downloads.

The Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager 2024.1 release contained bug fixes. See the release notes for details.

The following features and improvements were introduced in Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager 2023.4.
Download Status shown in the Updates grid
You can now add a new column, Is Downloaded, to the Updates grid. This column identifies updates that have been downloaded to the file system, but not published to WSUS. This is particularly useful if you have set up your environment for offline downloads. For more information, see Understanding the Information in the Grid.
Product icons
Product icons in title bars and the Ivanti Patch folder in Configuration Manager have been updated.

The following features and improvements were introduced in Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager 2023.2.
Storage Folder Cleanup
In Microsoft Configuration Manager, the WSUS cleanup tasks on the Software Update Point Component properties window can remove updates from the WSUS database and the WSUSContent folder, but do not clean up the UpdateServicesPackages folder. You can now selectively remove orphaned folders in the UpdateServicesPackages folder from the General tab of the Settings dialog to clean up this area. For more information, see General Tab.
New custom roles
Previously, users needed to be assigned the Full Administrator built-in role in Configuration Manager before they could use Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager. Running the Data Migration Tool as part of the upgrade to V2023.2 adds two new custom roles to Configuration Manager that you can now use in place of the Full Administrator role:
- 3rd Party Patch Administrator: provides all permissions required for patching
- 3rd Party Patch Read-Only User: provides read-only permissions for the 3rd party patch tool
After running the Data Migration Tool for V2023.2 we recommend you assign your users to the appropriate custom role in Configuration Manager.

The following features and improvements were introduced in Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager 2023.1.
Product Rename
Ivanti Patch for MEM has been renamed to Ivanti Patch for Configuration Manager. This is being done to reflect the shift in Microsoft's marketing that uses the Configuration Manager brand for on-premise products and the Intune brand for cloud products.
Configuration Checker Enhancements
Further enhancements have been made to the Configuration Checker: checks for access to the Remote Server Administration Tools, for access to all users in Active Directory, and that the WSUS content is correctly configured.
Publish Updates by CVSS Score
A new column, CVSS, has been added to the grid on the Updates workspace that shows the highest CVSS score associated with the update. You can now create SmartFilters and Composite Filters based on CVSS scores, which you can then use in Automation Scheduler to automatically publish updates for CVEs. For more information, see Understanding the Information in the Grid, Using the Filters, and Automatically Publishing Updates for CVEs.
Filter Improvements
You can now filter by human readable download sizes (for example 40 MB, 1 GB)

The following features and improvements were introduced in Ivanti Patch for MEM 2022.4.
Check All Option
The Check All option was added to the Updates and Published Third-Party Updates workspaces. The option enables you to check all updates that are currently listed in the Patch for MEM grid. This option is also available by right-clicking an update in the workspace. For more details on the Patch for MEM toolbar, see Toolbar Buttons.
New Control over Alert Notifications
The Always send alerts, regardless of active status option was added to Ivanti Patch for MEM Settings > General tab. The option enables alerts to be sent whether or not they were previously manually dismissed. By default, when receiving alert notifications, users need to log into the system, dismiss the alert, and save the changes if they want to receive any future alerts. The new option overwrites the default behavior and enables users to receive alerts as they occur. For more details, see Configuring Your Patch for Configuration Manager Settings.