
1. Overview

The "Collections" feature in the Ivanti Neurons platform allows users to group and organize data based on specific criteria. This feature is accessible on the finding pages, facilitating users in effortlessly creating and managing finding collections.

Using the Collections feature, users can conveniently categorize and organize findings based on various attributes such as vulnerability severity, asset group, or tags. By creating finding collections, users can easily access and review specific subsets of findings that meet their defined criteria.

2. How to Create a Collection

Users have the option to create collections in two forms: List view-based collections or GroupBy-based collections.

2.1.1.Prerequisites for Creating a Collection from List View:

  • To create a collection, a filter must be applied, which is mandatory.
  • "Create Collection" button will be enabled only when a filter is available on a specific page.

2.1.2 Prerequisites for Creating a Collection from GroupBy:

  • Enabling the GroupBy option in the list view is essential for creating a GroupBy collection.
  • To create a GroupBy collection, it's mandatory for a filter to be applied.
  • The "Create Collection" button should be enabled if a GroupBy option is available on a specific page and a filter is applied.

2.2 Steps To Create a Collection:

  • To set up Collections based on filters, head to the "Findings" tab. Alternatively, for GroupBy Collections, select any GroupBy option in the list view.
  • Access the finding collections feature by clicking on the "Actions" tab.
  • Next, click on the “Collections" button.
  • To create a new finding collection, click on “Create Collection”.
  • Assign a name to your finding collection and optionally provide a description.
  • The Collection Name field should not exceed 45 characters, while the Description field should not exceed 100 characters.
  • Once the user has entered the details, the 'Create' button will become enabled.
  • Upon successful creation, an alert will be displayed confirming "Collection successfully created".

3. Collection Views on Findings Pages

  • After creating a Collection, it will appear as a view on the findings pages.
  • Collections can be either GroupBy or Standard views.
  • For additional details, please refer the Views page. Saved Views: Overview

4. Setting Up Automatic Ticketing for Collections

4.1 Prerequisites for configuring a collection with a ticketing connector:

  • Ensure that a collection has already been created.
  • Additionally, the ticketing connector should be configured beforehand.

4.2 Steps to configure a collection to a ticketing connector:

  1. Navigate to the "Findings" tab.
  2. Access the finding collections feature by clicking on the "Actions" tab.
  3. Click on the "Collections" button.
  4. To start configuration, click on "Configure Collection for Auto Ticket Creation."
  5. This will open a wizard with a sequence of steps.
    1. Choose Collection: When the search icon is clicked, the list of configured collections should be displayed. Upon selecting a collection, its properties will appear in the left panel of the wizard. Please Note that Collections that are not configured with an existing ticketing connector will only be displayed in this list.
      1. Collection Properties - For collections created from a list view:
        1. Open Host findings that match selected filters: Total count of Open findings
        2. Filters: List of selected filters
        3. Current estimated ticket count: Approximate total tickets Ivanti Neurons will create. For list view collections, Every finding in list view will create one ticket each.
      2. Collection Properties - For collections created from a groupby view:
        1. Open Host findings that match selected filters: Total count of Open findings
        2. Filters: List of selected filters
        3. Group By: Selected GroupBy
        4. Current estimated ticket count: Approximate total tickets Ivanti Neurons will create. For GroupBy collections, Every row in GroupBy view will create one ticket each.

    2. Ticket Configuration - On this page, users select the pre-configured Ticketing connector. Initially, we support only JIRA, with plans to extend to other connectors in future milestones.
      1. Under Connector Specific Options - Existing Jira connector configuration will be listed. User can chose to edit them based on each configuration.

      2. For text fields in JIRA, the available options are:
        1. Manually enter value: Use this option if you want to add a custom message, which will apply to all associated tickets.
        2. Map this field to an Ivanti Neurons Field: Use this option to map an RBVM field with a Jira field. Supported RBVM fields include Title, Description, Status, and VRR Group.
        3. Use plugin information for this value: This option is available only for Summary and Description fields.

    3. Ticket Attachments - To include attachments with each ticket, users need to enable this option. user-configured export template will be visible in "READ only" mode on this page. Actual ticketing configuration must be performed on the Connector page.

    4. Ticket Status Settings - Users can choose to send updates or comments only for specific ticket status by checking this option. Similarly, this option applies for the Closed state as well.

    5. Ticket Management
      1. When should we start a new ticket? (This option is available only for GroupBy Collections)
        1. Create a new ticket for each newly added finding within a current GroupBy row.
        2. Associate new findings with existing tickets within a specified time frame.
      2. When should we stop auto ticketing?
        1. If the user wants to halt auto ticketing, they can utilize this option.
        2. Limit ticket creation to a maximum of X tickets per day - Default is 100 tickets per day. The maximum limit is 500.
        3. Auto ticketing will stop after X days - Default is 90 days, with a maximum limit of 180 days.

5. Detailed Pane information for Collection and Ticket Configuration

A new section titled "Collections" is now added to each finding. This section will appear only if the collection is linked to an associated ticket.

  • In the detailed pane of the findings, users can access the Collection information once the ticket is created.

  • For further information, select "See all collection details," which will open a sub-page displaying the user-configured information.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often are tickets updated/created?

    The auto ticketing configuration sync will occur every 6 hours throughout the day starting from its creation time. During each sync, any updates to existing tickets will be applied. Additionally, new ticket creation or the addition of findings to existing tickets will take place once daily at GMT 0:00.
  2. Is it possible for a user to reconfigure the auto ticketing settings?

    Once the auto ticketing configuration is set up, users cannot modify or update any of the settings. However, the configuration details will be accessible on the Collection detailed page in READ only mode. Please refer section 5 of this guide for more information.