How to Enable Security Controls Cloud Synchronization

  1. (Recommended) Select Tools > Edit console description and make sure that the name the program uses when referring to the console is a friendly name that has some meaning or significance to other users.
  2. This is the name that will be displayed within Security Controls Cloud after you register the Security Controls console. For more information on changing the name, see Editing the Console Description.

  3. Select Tools > Options > Security Controls Cloud sync and register the Security Controls console with the cloud service.
  4. The registration process establishes a secure communication channel between the console and the specified Security Controls Cloud account. For details on the console registration process, see Security Controls Cloud Sync Options.

  5. In a new or existing agent policy, enable the Sync with the Security Controls Cloud check box.
  6. In the agent policy click Save and update Agents.
  7. A copy of the agent policy and all necessary components is written to the associated Security Controls Cloud account. You can view the steps in the policy synchronization process by viewing the Event History log.

    The next time your agents check in with the console they will receive an updated policy that allows them to use the cloud as a backup source for reporting information and receiving policy updates. This provides a layer of redundancy and is the primary benefit of using Security Controls Cloud synchronization.

  8. (Optional) If you are using multiple Security Controls consoles, and if one of your consoles is using Security Controls Cloud synchronization and another is not, you can be notified of this situation by selecting Tools > Options > Notifications & Warnings and enabling the Warn if Security Controls Cloud sync is not enabled on this console check box.
  9. This is especially important if two or more consoles are sharing the same database. Each console that uses a Security Controls Cloud sync-enabled policy must be registered with Security Controls Cloud.