rRevision History

A list of CSM revisions by date and changes.

Find important information to help plan your upgrade to the latest version of CSM.

For a list of supported versions, please see Which Versions of CSM Are Currently Supported?

Revision Date Changes


July 2024

Software Fixes

For a list of fixes, see CSM 2024.1.1 Fixes List


April 2024

Platform changes:

  • Purge archived data

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 2024.


April 2024

Software Fixes

For a list of fixes, see CSM 2023.3.1 Fixes List


December 2023

Platform changes:

  • Archive Business Objects
  • Export security groups, teams, and roles

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 2023.3.


October 2023

Software Fixes
For a list of fixes, see CSM 2023.1.3 Fixes List


August 2023

Software Fixes
For a list of fixes, see CSM 2023.1.2 Fixes List


July 2023

Software Fixes
For a list of fixes, see CSM 2023.1.1 Fixes List


April 2023

Platform changes:

  • Service Host Updates
  • Anonymous Forms Support
  • Google Analytics 4 Support

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 2023.1.


March 2023

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 2022.3.2 Fixes List.

2022.3.1 December 2022

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 2022.3.1 Fixes List.

2022.3 October 2022

Platform changes:

  • Microsoft Graph API support for email authentication
  • Foreign key support in chart widgets

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 2022.3.

10.5.2 July 2022

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.5.2 Fixes List.

10.5.1 May 2022

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.5.1 Fixes List.

10.5.0 March 2022

Platform changes:

  • Purge system tables
  • Microsoft Teams chat in Related Item Navigation

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 10.5.0.

10.4.2 February 2022

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.4.2 Fixes List.

10.4.1 December 2021

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.4.1 Fixes List.

10.4.0 October 2021

Platform changes:

  • Improved theme and platform styling
  • Enhancements to CMDB
  • Installer updates
  • Overwatch
  • Trusted Agent Auto Update Service

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 10.4.0.

10.2.3 August 2021

Software fixes and enhancements.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.2.3 Fixes List.

For a list of enhancements, see CSM 10.2.3 Enhancements List.

10.2.2 July 2021

Software fixes and enhancements.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.2.2 Fixes List.

For a list of enhancements, see CSM 10.2.2 Enhancements List.

10.2.1 March 2021

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.2.1 Fixes List.

10.2.0 February 2021

Platform changes:

  • Train a machine learning model
  • Solution Search improvements
  • Improved Business Object Lifecycle
  • Improved Approvals configuration
  • New Delegation service

OOTB content changes:

  • Action Block Email Templates
  • Machine Learning mApp® Solution
  • Event Management improvements

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 10.2.0.

10.1.5 May 2021

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.1.5 Fixes List.

10.1.4 February 2021

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.1.4 Fixes List.

10.1.3 February 2021

Software fixes.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.1.3 Fixes List.

10.1.2 November 2020

Software fixes and enhancements.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.1.2 Fixes List.

For a list of enhancements, see CSM 10.1.2 Enhancements List.

10.1.1 September 2020

Software fixes and enhancements.

For a list of fixes, see CSM 10.1.1 Fixes List.

For a list of enhancements, see CSM 10.1.1 Enhancements List.

10.1.0 August 2020

Platform changes:

  • Restrict access to email accounts by Security Group
  • Authentication Whitelisting
  • Email credentials
  • Action Blocks
  • HTTP Request Action

For additional features, see What's New in CSM 10.1.0.

For more detailed information about earlier versions, see the CSM Documentation Archive.

10.0.3 August 2020

Software fixes.

10.0.2 April 2020

Software fixes.

10.0.1 March 2020

Software fixes.

10.0.0 February 2020

Platform changes:

  • Unified SAML authentication
  • Requirement to set the base URL for the Cherwell® REST API
  • Related Item Navigation
  • Custom error messages on required fields
  • Simultaneous form editing

OOTB content changes:

  • OOTB Portal home page redesign
  • Change Management updates
  • Redesigned Supporting Business Object and Lookup Table Forms
  • Knowledge Article enhancements
9.7.4 May 2020

Software fixes.

9.7.1 February 2020

Software fixes.

9.7.0 November 2019

Platform changes:

  • Multiple record selection in Search Results Grids
  • Call One-Step Actions from the Cherwell REST API
  • Configure cards with Search for Action Catalog Widgets
  • Add sorts and filters to an Action Catalog
  • Clone a Form

OOTB content changes:

  • Knowledge Article content enhancements
  • CMDB Installed Software and Service Forms redesign
  • Submit on behalf of
9.6.3 September 2019

Software fixes.

9.6.2 September 2019

Software fixes.

9.6.1 July 2019

Software fixes.

9.6.0 June 2019

Platform changes:

  • Activity Pane
  • Third-party reporting
  • Search relevance
  • Log Viewer in CSM Administrator
  • Queuing for CSM Services

OOTB content changes:

  • Updated Forms and Dashboards for the OOTB content
9.5.3 April 2019

Software fixes.

9.5.2 February 2019

Software fixes.

9.5.1 December 2018

Software fixes.

9.5.0 November 2018

Platform changes:

  • Trusted Agents for One-Step™ Actions
  • Translatable platform strings
  • Multi-byte support for Language Packs
  • Camera and location services added to the Browser Client
  • Print Action support for Web Applications

OOTB content changes:

  • Site and Building management
9.4.0 July 2018

Platform changes:

  • Adaptive Layouts functionality for Dashboards
  • Common One-Step™ Action execution engine
  • Enhanced Prompts and Prompts Manager
  • Cherwell Rest API Named Object Operations
  • Enhanced Cherwell documentation portal

OOTB content changes:

  • Task as a Group Business Object
9.3.2 April 2018

Software fixes.

9.3.1 February 2018

Software fixes.

9.3.0 December 2017

Platform changes:

  • Adaptive Layouts for Forms
  • Support for Trusted Agents for e-mail
  • Multi-tab browsing support
  • Modal design update
  • E-mail attachments handling improvements

OOTB content changes:

  • Globalization enabled by default
  • Customer Portal Dashboard design
  • Customer Portal Form design
  • Adaptive Layouts for Portal Forms
9.2.1 September 2017

Software fixes.

9.2.0 August 2017

Platform changes:

  • New Globalization support management tool
  • Foreign key support for validated and auto-populated Fields
  • Definition Reviewer
  • Enhancements to Browser Client and Customer Portal User Interface
  • New Download a Blueprint Button

OOTB content changes:

  • Service Catalog and search improvements
  • Localized OOTB content
9.1.0 March 2017

Platform changes:

  • Concurrent development for Blueprints
  • Accessibility improvements for CSM Web applications
  • New Team Operations for the Cherwell REST API
  • New Modifiers
9.0.1 February 2017

Platform changes:

  • One-Step™ Action Annotations
  • Guidance for CSM system design using concurrent development
  • Trusted Agents for bulk data imports
  • Trusted Agents for request routing and fault tolerance
  • Trusted Agents Hub scale-out using Redis
8.3.1 November 2016

Platform changes:

  • Continual Service Improvements
  • Context-sensitive help for Windows clients

OOTB content changes:

  • Service Catalog Template functionality enhancement
8.2.1 July 2016

Platform changes:

  • New One-Step™ Action branching
  • Service Health Monitor
  • Grid exporting enhancement
  • Auto-Deploy enhancement
  • Platform support

OOTB content changes:

  • Incident functionality enhancement
  • New company logo
  • Internal customer security upgrade
8.1.0 March 2016

Platform changes:

  • Field-level encryption and view auditing
  • Card view display
  • Cherwell Mobile for iOS enhancement
  • New documentation platform

OOTB content changes:

  • New license usage functionality
  • New view of Pending Status details
  • Incident Resolution from Problem improvements
  • Business Object Grids updates
  • Portal enhancements
8.00 December 2015

Platform changes:

  • Desktop Client and Administrator improvements
  • Browser Client improvements
  • HTTP-based RESTful API
  • JSON support for One-Step™ Actions

OOTB content changes:

  • Portal improvements
  • New Dashboards
  • Specifics Forms
7.00 Rev1 October 2015

Software fixes.

7.00 September 2015

Platform changes:

  • Performance Health Check tool
  • Trusted Agent Server Integration feature
  • Enhanced SAML integration
  • Blueprint scan alerts

OOTB content changes:

  • IT Management Dashboards
  • Change Management Dashboards
  • Automatic Incident escalation
6.00 Rev1 August 2015

Software fixes.

6.00 July 2015

Platform changes:

  • One-Step improvements
  • New Dashboard Chart Widget types
  • Theme improvements and Portal support
  • Browser and Portal updates
  • Browser usability
5.00 Rev2 October 2014

Software fixes.

5.00 July 2014

Platform changes:

  • mApp Solutions
  • mApp Solutions and Integration page
  • Business Intelligence enhancements
  • One-Step enhancements
  • Advanced record locking
4.60b November 2013

Software fixes.

4.60 June 2013

Platform changes:

  • Rich Text support
  • Bomgar platform integration
  • Ease-of-Use/Look-and-Feel enhancements
  • Embedded Forms
  • Grid enhancements
4.31 February 2013

Platform changes:

  • iCherwell enhancements
  • Widget enhancements
  • New Dashboards
  • Portal and Browser enhancements
4.30 November 2012

Platform changes:

  • SAML Support
  • Grid enhancements
  • Portal and Browser Client enhancements
  • CSM Manager enhancements
  • Form Editor enhancements
4.0 Rev2 August 2012

Software fixes.

4.0-1 July 2012

Software fixes.

4.0 April 2012

Platform changes:

  • Cherwell Portal
  • Cherwell Browser Client
  • Searching
  • Action Catalogs
  • Security enhancements