Product Page

Under Product View, you can view details about a specific product and perform several actions. To open Product View for a specific product, go to the Products tab and click on its name under the Product column in the table along the bottom.

Product Details

The tiles along the top of the page show details about the latest version of the product:

  • Vendor: Shows the name of the product vendor.
  • Version Details: Shows the version number of the product.
  • Publish Status: Shows the publish status of the product.
  • Last Publish Attempt: Shows the date when the last publishing was attempted.
  • Device Status: Shows a chart depicting the current status of the product by device.
  • User Status: Shows a chart depicting the current status of the product by user.

Product Actions

Buttons at the top of the page enable you to perform the following actions on the product:

  • Configure management: Make configuration changes to the management of the selected product version. For more details, see Managing Products.
  • Stop managing: Stop managing the selected product version.
  • Manage sideload: Enables you to sideload files if required. For more details, see Manage Sideloads.
  • View in Patch Intelligence: View the selected product version in Ivanti Neurons Patch Intelligence.
  • Manage Icon: Enables you to select the icon that appears in the company portal. For more details, see Selecting a Product Icon for the Company Portal.
  • Create version: Enables you to add a new version to a custom product by specifying a new version, then adding installers in the same way as for creating the product. For details, see Creating Products.

Actions for Versions

Under the product details tiles is a table showing details of the different versions of the product. Click actions button in the Actions column to access the following actions that are specific to the selected versions:

  • Publish version: Publishes the selected product version to Intune. The Publish Version dialog opens and prompts you to select the Group Assignments. For more details, see Configure Management.
  • Load details: Loads and shows details about the selected product version.
  • Delete from Intune: Deletes the selected published versions of a product from Intune, choosing how to handle supersedence rules if required. For more details, see Deleting Products from Intune.
  • Delete from Neurons (custom products only): Deletes the selected versions of a custom product from Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune. If the custom product has been published to Intune, you are asked if you would also like to delete it from there.
  • Edit (custom products only): Enables you to edit the selected version of a custom product.
  • Clone (custom products only): Enables you to clone the selected version of a custom product with all of its configuration to use as the starting point for creating a new version.
  • For more information about custom products, see Creating Products.

  • Retain version: Enables you to retain the selected version if you have configured the automatic cleanup of the product. For more information, see Automatic Cleanup of Previous Versions.

Product Table

By default, the product table is sorted by Version name. Click column chooser to select or reset the columns. Available columns are:

  • Version: The version number of the third-party product.
  • Product: The name of the third-party product.
  • Vendor: The name of the product vendor.
  • Status: Icons show which versions of the product are published into Intune:

    Published Published: the version exists in Intune.

    Scheduled Scheduled: the version will shortly be published to Intune using the settings you have configured in Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune.

    Failed Failed: the publish to Intune failed, see How to Retry Publication Failures.

    Retrying Retrying: a user has requested to retry a failed publish.

  • Status Updated: Shows the date when the product's publication status has last changed.
  • Architecture: x64, x86, Both
  • Intune Id: if the product has been published to Intune, this shows the identifier of the corresponding application in Intune.