Workspace Control 2022.2 (

This section includes new features, compatibility updates and improvements from previous Workspace Control versions, starting with Workspace Control 2022.1 version and up to version 2022.2 (

What's New

Ivanti Ideas Feature Requests

The following user requests have been addressed in this version of Workspace Control:

New Enhancements and Improvements

The following enhancements and/or improvements are part of this version of Workspace Control:

Compatibility Updates

The following compatibility updates are part of this version of Workspace Control:

Bug Fixes

The following customer support issues have been resolved in this release:

Problem ID Title

Internal finding

After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, the Object column of the Audit Trail did not show details for events where the Website Security setting was changed. Website Security is configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Applications > Websites > Settings tab.

Internal finding

Sometimes, when the Cloud Relay feature is first enabled, or disabled and then re-enabled, the following error may occur after receiving the Ivanti Cloud Relay has been enabled confirmation message: Failed to retrieve account settings. After navigating to another node and then back to the Administration > Cloud Relay node, everything works as expected.

Internal finding

After running the Workspace Control installer, the installation wizard returns the following error: fysnCopyFile; Copy failed - The system cannot find the path specified. This results in not backing up the MSI install file to the C:\Windows\Installer folder. However, the error did not prevent the installation of Workspace Control to successfully complete.

Internal finding

Sometimes, refreshing the icon for existing UWP applications configured as Workspace Control managed applications results in the following pwrtech.exe errors: (9) Subscript out of range and (91) Object variable or With block variable not set. The Refresh Icon button is found in the Edit application window, under Properties > General > Default icon field, when creating or editing UWP applications.

Internal finding

After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version, when creating a new UWP managed application, the following pwrtech.exe error occurs when attempting to configure the UWP Package option in the Edit application window: (5) Invalid procedure call or argument. UWP applications are configured as Workspace Control managed applications in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Applications > Start Menu tab.

Internal finding

After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version, an unnecessary column was shown in the Workspace Control Console, under Administration > Agents > Agents tab.

Internal finding

After enabling Authorized Owners, the feature ignored Access Control settings, resulting in applications blocked by Access Control to be started. The Authorized Owners feature is configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Authorized Owners.

Internal finding

Selecting Search or Properties for log entries in the Log tab of the Authorized Owners feature resulted in the following pwrtech.exe error: frmTech.tmrGo.Timer - (438) Object doesn't support this property or method. The Authorized Owners feature is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Authorized Owners.

Internal finding

Sometimes, searching through Authorized Owners logs did not work correctly. The Authorized Owners logs are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Authorized Owners > Log tab.

Internal finding

Selecting the OK button did not close the Blocked Path window if no changes were made to an existing Authorized Owners blocked path. The Authorized Owners feature is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Authorized Owners.


Sometimes, when using Citrix Published Applications managed by Workspace Control, the application window can take focus or start blinking. This occurs in Workspace Control managed sessions.

More details in the following KB article.


User settings synchronization does not start when User Settings caching is set to Cache locally at sign-in, during the session, and at sign-out, unless otherwise specified, and the UserSettingsSyncIntervalOnly registry setting is configured. User Setting caching is configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > User Settings > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article.


Shutting down Workspace Control managed sessions running on Microsoft Windows 10 sometimes, under rare circumstances, results in a restart instead.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, changes to the icon size of desktop items are not saved between Workspace Control managed sessions. In the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > User Settings, the following template is used to capture and restore desktop icon size settings: Windows > 10/2016/2019 > Control Panel > Desktop and Start Menu Layout.

More details in the following KB article.


The Workspace Control Console becomes unresponsive after modifying Printers settings. This occurs when navigating to another node and you are prompted to save the changes first. Printer settings are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Actions By Type > Printers.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, if a USB device is present during Workspace Control managed sessions, then a Workspace Control session reconnect becomes unresponsive after disconnecting the session.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control version or higher, the Rename group or user option does not work in the Microsoft Profile Containers integration. This occurs when an Active Directory group used as Access Control in Microsoft Profile Containers is renamed under the Directory Services node. The feature is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Setup > Integration > Microsoft Profile Containers.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, after upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, Windows taskbar icons are not shown after sign-in. This occurs in Workspace Control managed sessions running on Microsoft Windows 10.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, Windows Notification Center settings are not saved when the Lockdown and Behavior feature is enabled. This occurs when using a clean Windows profile on Microsoft Windows 10 build 20H2 or higher. The Lockdown and Behavior feature is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Desktop > Lockdown and Behavior.

More details in the following KB article.


When an E-mail Setting is used to provide e-mail configuration for Microsoft Outlook, starting a Workspace Control managed instance of Outlook in a Workspace Control managed session, results in the following SetMAPI error: Access to path: C:\users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\RES\WM\Session#\pwmXXXX.tmp has been denied.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, the Workspace Control Agent cache is not updated immediately, if configured, on machines running Remote Desktop Services 2019. The Agent cache update interval is configured using Update agent cache on change, found in the Workspace Control Console, under Administration > Agents > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article.


When running Workspace Control 2021.2 version on Microsoft Windows Server 2019 or higher, opening Workspace Control managed applications triggers two error messages relating to UwpApplicationManager. Workspace Control managed applications are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Applications.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, Workspace Control File Types associations are applied during user sign-in, but are then overwritten by the operating system which applies its default file associations.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, triggering a Relay Server Force Cache Update results in the following error: Failed to force cache update on these Workspace Control Relay Servers: <name of Relay Server>.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version, not all translations are applied in Workspace Preferences or Printing Preferences. These settings are found in end-user sessions, in the Start Menu, under Workspace Control settings.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, when creating or editing Workspace Control managed applications, it takes several seconds for the Edit Application window to display. Workspace Control managed applications are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Applications.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2020.0 version or higher, if the Citrix Receiver is configured for two or more Citrix Sites, then Citrix Published Applications cannot be enumerated for the second site onward when Citrix StoreBrowse is used.

More details in the following KB article.


Citrix Published Applications set to Autolaunch at session start trigger several errors during session logon, followed by the logoff of the Workspace Control managed session. Autolaunch at session start is configured under Properties > Settings tab when editing application properties.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, the Bypass Composer window is no longer available after added Active Directory groups exceed 1024 characters in total length. The Bypass Composer for accounts and groups option is found in the Workspace Control Console, under Setup > Advanced Settings > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, starting the Workspace Control Console results in longer loading times when Workspace Control is configured with any other language than English. This also occurs when opening the Edit application window when modifying a Workspace Control managed application.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, the Microsoft Windows Firewall drops unwanted traffic, mostly on IP addresses related to Microsoft. This occurs when the Windows Firewall is enabled for Domain networks, and Network Connection Security is also enabled in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Network Connections > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, when Intel Hyper-threading is enabled on a machine running a Workspace Control managed session, starting Workspace Control managed applications results in longer loading times.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control Core 2021.2 version or higher and submitting information using the Workspace Control Core License Wizard, registration fails and the following error is displayed: Website Status code 'Registration limit, lease use different email address'.

More details in the following KB article.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, using the Test button for Notification Types results in the following wmedit.exe error: frmEditAlertType.cmdTest_Click - (91) Object variable or With block variable not set. Notification Types are configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Setup > Integration > Alerting > Notification Types tab.

More details in the following KB article


Ivanti Automation integration configuration settings are not saved and the following pwrtech.exe error occurs: frmWisdomSet.SaveSetting - (91) Object variable or Write block variable not set. This happens when the Ivanti Automation integration is enabled in the Workspace Control Console, under Setup > Integration > Ivanti Products > Automation > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version, if the language used in the Workspace Control Console is set to Dutch, the Enabled option does not display correctly when configuring an authorized owner. Authorized owners are configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Security > Authorized Owners > Authorized Owners tab.


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version, Workspace Preferences are displayed in English regardless of the configured Workspace Control language in user sessions. The Workspace Preferences language is configured under Options > Language. Select the desired language from the available options in the drop-down menu and select Apply new settings now.

More details in the following KB article


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, forcibly rebuilding the Workspace Control Agent cache takes longer than expected.

More details in the following KB article


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, configuring any other language than English for the Ivanti Start Menu does not function. This occurs when running Workspace Control on Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2.

More details in the following KB article


When using Workspace Control 2021.2 version or higher, $ADInfo fields are not displayed in Microsoft Outlook Signatures when special characters are used. Outlook Signatures are configured in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Applications > E-mail Settings, in the New E-mail Setting window, under Properties > Services and features > Outlook Signature.

More details in the following KB article


Sometimes, after upgrading from Workspace Control 2021.2 version to Workspace Control 2022.1 version, the following pfwsmgr.exe error occurs: dicProcessInfo.CheckHandles -2146233079. The error is visible in the Workspace Control Console, under Diagnostics > Errors.

More details in the following KB article


Sometimes, after upgrading to Workspace Control 2022.1 version on a machine running Microsoft Windows Server 2016, the following error appears when editing non-UWP Workspace Control managed applications: RES.WorkspaceManager.ConsoleHelpers has stopped working. Managed applications are found in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > Applications > Start Menu tab.

More details in the following KB article


The Cache interval during session is not configurable when the Workspace Control Console language is set to any other option than English or Dutch. The Cache interval during session option is configurable only when User Settings caching is set to Cache locally at logon, during the session, and at logoff, unless otherwise specified in the Workspace Control Console, under Composition > User Settings > Settings tab.

More details in the following KB article


After upgrading to Workspace Control 2021.1 version or higher, when logging into Workspace Control managed sessions on machines running Microsoft Windows Server 2016, the following error occurs: modRun.gysnAppAuthenticated method not found: System String Windows ApplicationModel Core AppListEntry.

More details in the following KB article