Version 2024.1 January
Ivanti Neurons for Discovery

This connector now has additional filters for Intune device join types and categories.
Ivanti Neurons Edge Intelligence

New sensors have been added that can query Application Control events on your devices. These include the Ivanti Application Control Events Summary and Details sensors.
As a prerequisite for these sensors to work, the Application Control agent needs to be installed on the devices that you want to query. The Ivanti Application Control Agent Status shows if your devices have the Application Control Agent installed, and its status.

It is now possible to create shared favorites. Users need Allow rights for the Edge Intelligence Configure permission to create a shared favorite.
A shared favorite can be used by users other than the user that created it, and can be accessed via the favorites section located on the Edge Intelligence suggestions page.

You can now review the policies that have been applied in a user session. The query is available as a click-through on the category Group Policies in the Logon session details.

A new button has been added to the table view of all queries that allows you to clear all column filters that are currently set.
Ivanti Neurons for Healing

The Detection action now has rules to detect registry keys and values. Learn more about detection rules.

A new Registry action allows creating and deleting registry keys and setting and deleting registry value. Learn more about packages and actions.

A new action allows installing or uninstalling MSIX packages. Learn more about packages and actions.

Return codes sent back from EXE and MSI installers, as well as scripts, determine whether or not a package ran successfully or not, and can provide additional information about what happened.
Administrators can now create custom return code lists that map return codes to Successor Failure, and a custom message.

The script action originally only allowed running a script by entering script code into the UI. An option has been added so that you can choose a script file to execute that has been previously downloaded, or that already exists on the device.

Neurons Bots now includes a stage to trigger installing an app through App Distribution, and a stage to query the state of an assigned app.
Learn more about the Trigger App Distribution stage in Bots.

We are expanding the rollout of our all-new survey management experience within bots. Capturing user sentiment is an important part of understanding and quantifying digital friction experienced by users across different facets of IT such as their devices, applications or services. This functionality comprises new teams stages for gathering ratings from end users along with a reporting UI to show ratings over time.
Learn more about Survey bots.

You can now trigger bots from our API hub - This works against Workspace (Custom action) bots which are marked as active.

Introduction of new stages:
- Device Storage (Read, Write, Delete): These provide cloud-based storage for device data to use between bot runs or between bots. Example use cases are for OS agnostic repetition control (e.g. in a Teams interaction a user may select ‘do not remind me for XYZ’), or for incrementing a stored value in conjunction with the Math expression stage to track the frequency of an issue.
- Math Expression: This provides powerful capabilities to transform numbers. Example use cases are unit conversion, average calculation, and incrementing counters.
- Bot Report: This provides a convenient method for extracting result information aggregated against bot runs as CSV. Simply choose the columns of data you want from up-stream stages, and in the results view leverage the time window, trigger filter, and last state (device de-duplication) controls, to pivot the data as required and click download CSV.
- Web Request (Beta): This stage can be used to receive data for use within the bot or to drive change in an external system. It can optionally authenticate with API key or basic authentication and interpret results as RAW or JSON. It can work with singular responses or arrays of information and is executed once per device from the Ivanti cloud.
Learn more about the Web Request - BETA stage. - Microsoft Teams Stages - General Availability: We have made our Microsoft Teams bot available for download from the Microsoft Teams App Store. Additionally, this supports limited customization of logos and text from within the MS Teams Admin Center to align end user experience with corporate look and feel.
Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management

Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management platform coverage has been expanded to include several flavors and versions of Linux. The platform expansion is starting with the following, but will expand over time:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7-9
- Oracle Linux 7-9
- CentOS 7
Linux support is contentless compared with Ivanti’s approach to Windows and macOS. This means that out-of-the-box you will not see Linux data in our catalog, but once you start deploying Linux agents and returning scan results any packages detected will populate into Ivanti Neurons.
Patch admins will see all missing packages, which will be merged in Patch Intelligence with Ivanti’s risk-based vulnerability data to provide visibility into advisories and CVE counts, VRR Group, VRR Score, exploited CVEs and more. The initial launch is a scan all, deploy all configuration, future releases will introduce more granular control over remediation on Linux operating systems.
Learn more about Creating a Custom Patch Configuration.

The ability to exclude specific patches from being deployed has been added. Admins can create a Patch Group in Patch Intelligence, then in Windows Configuration they can configure to exclude any updates in that Patch Group from the policy. Excluded patches will be blocked from remediation regardless of selected deployment options (exclude wins over include).
Learn more about Creating a Custom Patch Configuration.

The ability to enforce macOS systems to always reboot is now available in the Reboot Control section of the Patch Configuration > Mac Deployment behavior. This enables admins to enforce a reboot regardless of the return code status of any of the deployed patches.
Learn more about Creating a Custom Patch Configuration.

- Device Detail view: Added Days since release column and data
- Device Detail view: Added a link to the Patch name and Advisory columns
Learn more about Compliance Reporting.

Available with a tenant-level feature flag. Customers can contact Ivanti Support to opt in to use this enhancement. Enabling this enhancement will change the behavior of the Ivanti Security Controls Connector so that the custom patch scan data behaves the same as the Security and full scans. Only the latest custom patch scan data will be displayed for consistency between Ivanti Security Controls and Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management.

Support for macOS Sonoma 14 has been added allowing management of the latest Apple OS version.
Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune

You can now use Patch for Intune for all third-party publishing, including applications not in the Ivanti content catalog. Creating custom applications within Patch for Intune offers several advantages over managing custom applications directly in Intune:
- the entire process of creating and managing the application is achieved in a single application
- creating the custom application in Patch for Intune requires no additional pre-packaging of the application; you upload the required exe or msi and Patch for Intune handles the packaging for you, greatly streamlining the process
Learn more about Creating Products.

- Use the advanced Required and Available group options as well as a “break the glass” button to force your rollout campaign to launch.
- The rollouts view and the manage product panel are now ordered alphabetically.
- Sometimes multiple versions of the same product are in a rollout campaign at the same time, you can now choose between one or the other.
- Once an application reaches the final stage in a rollout campaign, you can now keep it visible in the Active products grid.
- See which groups are selected for each stage, while maintaining the simplified view by default.
- Color-coding has been added to the various stages so you can see when things are progressing, or when there are problems, like failures and lack of stage progress.
- Set the minimum number of devices that an application must be successfully installed on, before the campaign moves to the next stage.
- Manually move an application to the next stage whenever required.
Learn more about Rollout Campaigns.

You no longer need to navigate outside Patch for Intune when entering their credentials.
Learn more about Configure the Azure Credentials.

x86 apps are now removed in the background.
Learn more about Stopping Publishing x86 Versions.

Scope added to the Notes field. When the list of applications is viewed, you can easily tell which application is for which scope without having to drill through the menus.
Learn more about Adding Notes to Products Published to Intune.
Ivanti Neurons Platform

The Ivanti Neurons Agent is now supported on the following additional Linux platforms:
- Oracle v7, v8 and v9
- Red Hat Enterprise v8 and v9
- Ubuntu v20 and 22

Introduction of a brand-new iteration of our Dashboard Designer, featuring enhanced capabilities for data visualization. With this Beta release, users can seamlessly work with curated and pre-processed device data. We have incorporated four essential chart types: Pie, Bar, Table, and Big number.
Furthermore, our Dashboard Designer now offers a comprehensive suite of customization features, allowing users to fine-tune their dashboards according to their specific requirements. This update aims to empower users with advanced data visualization tools for in-depth analysis and exploration.
Learn more about Dashboard Designer.
Ivanti Neurons for Workspace

Ivanti Neurons RC engine updated to the Latest version. This enables new remote control features such as, the ability to remote control RDP sessions and file transfer. This update supports timely enhancements and new features going forward.