Run a One-Step™ Action
Run a One-Step™ Actionfrom a variety of places within CSM, including:
- CSM Desktop Client toolbars (either Create a User Toolbar or Configure Custom Global Toolbars).
- CSM Desktop Client Task Pane (either Configure User Task Pane and Search Control Settings or Configure Global Task Pane and Search Control Settings).
- Define Business Object Actions (as record-specific One-Step Actions on the toolbar, menu bar, context menu, Task Pane, a button, or a link). One-Step Actions can also be Automatic Actions that are executed when a Business Object is saved.
- One-Step Actions in the Browser Client (from the menu bar; as buttons, links, and Widgets on Dashboards; as buttons and links on Business Object records, or as record-specific Actions in a context menu).
- About Customer Portals (on a Define Menu Bar Properties for a Portal Site, a About Portal Dashboards, or About HTML Pages).
- About Dashboards (as buttons, links, and About Widgets).
- Automation Processes (One-Step Actions that run automatically based on specified rules).
- Define Available Actions for Business Objects Linked to Emails (record-specific One-Step Actions that run from Microsoft Outlook).
- Define Monitor Item Action Options (One-Step Actions for processing monitored e-mails).
- Define Approval Block Action Properties (One-Step Actions that run when an Approval is approved, denied, or expired).
- Create a Scheduled Item (One-Step Actions that run on a scheduled basis).