About rules

The power of Data Translation Services (DTS) is found in its rules, which enable you to scan for much of the device data that's important to your IT work. DTS installs with numerous rules that will address most of your IT needs, though you can configure your own rules to perform customized tasks as well. For a comprehensive list of supported rules, see Supported rules, connectors, and vendors.

When you configure a rule and run it, you're enabling DTS to perform a task such as retrieving warranty data from a vendor website, pulling data from Active Directory, and so on. Once that information is in the inventory database, you can use it for customized reporting.

Each rule type has a wizard that steps you through the rule-making process. Some rules are complicated enough that overviews are provided. For details, see the following topics:

Rule Name

Aggregate data wizard

LDAP export wizard

Archive asset wizard

LDAP import wizard / VDI licensing overview

B2B connector wizards / B2B connectors overview

Licensed software wizard / Licensed-software rules overview

Barcode CSV import wizard

Map data wizard

Barcode web-form wizard

Map list wizard

Barcode web-group wizard

Normalize wizard

Bulk input wizard

Software-license import wizard / Software-license importing overview

Calculate data wizard

Datacenter product wizard / VMWare vCenter import wizard

Virtual-licensing rules overview

Enterprise aggregators

Web custom data wizard

Export data wizard

Web import wizard

Import data wizard


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