Avalanche powered by Wavelink

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Importing the Certificate for Remote Control

To use a certificate for secure communication, the certificate must be stored in the Avalanche directory in order for Remote Control to use it, and then you must modify the Remote Control server.properties file.

To import a certificate from OpenSSL to Avalanche:

1.Copy the PKCS #12 certificate file to:

[Avalanche installation directory]\Wavelink\Avalanche\RemoteControl\cfg

2.In this directory, open the server.properties file with a text editor such as Notepad.

3.Change this line:

Global.Script.Edit.User = all


Global.Script.Edit.User = amcadmin

4.Add the following lines to the end of the file:

AMC.Server.Type = 2

Web.HTTPS.Enable = 1

Web.SSL.KeyPassword = password

Web.SSL.KeyStore = cfg/certificate.p12

Web.SSL.MaxIdleTime = 60000

Web.SSL.Port = 8900

where password is the password associated with the SSL certificate and certificate.p12 is the certificate's name.

5.Save the server.properties file.

6.Restart the Remote Control Server.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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