Version 2023.2 April
Ivanti Neurons for Discovery

In previous versions of Ivanti Neurons for Discovery, SNMP scans were limited to a small number of SNMP default OIDs. You now have the capability to define your own unique object identifiers (OIDs) for querying specific attributes on SNMP enabled network devices, e.g. serial number, to infinitely extend SNMP scan capabilities.
This provides greater flexibility and customization options for SNMP-based network management, allowing you to tailor device discovery to the specific needs of your network environments.
Learn more about Custom OIDs.

Ability to check the SSH fingerprint of target Linux & macOS endpoints before deploying an Ivanti Neurons agent. This prevents rogue endpoints acting as intended target devices to receive potentially sensitive data.
Ensure the target endpoint you are deploying the agent onto is indeed the intended one, as the SSH fingerprint acts as a unique identifier for the endpoint.
This added layer of security helps prevent any potential security vulnerabilities associated with agent deployment and ensures the integrity of the endpoint. By verifying the SSH fingerprint before deployment, you have greater peace of mind when managing Linux & macOS endpoints from the cloud.

The Google Workspace connector is designed to import ChromeOS devices, endpoint devices (Windows, macOS), mobile devices (iOS, Android), and users from Google Workspace. Choose what data objects to import by enabling or disabling the different filters.
Learn more about Google Workspace connector.

Two new filters have been added to the Qualys connector. The first is to filter devices by device type as defined by Qualys. The second filter is to filter devices by Qualys tag. Type in any Qualys tag that has been created and the connector will import devices with those tags.
Learn more about Qualys connector.

A new filter has been added to the VMware vCenter connector to let you filter out devices based on the vCenter status.
Learn more about VMware vCenter connector.
Ivanti Neurons for Edge Intelligence

It is now possible to view logon performance over time. Using similar data as the already existing logon performance query, this new query has a different chart that shows logon performance duration over time from a configured scope of devices.

An additional column called Disk has been added to make it easier to distinguish between multiple disks per device.

Column filters have been introduced for the computer name and username. This change makes it easier to search and compare devices by selecting devices based on their computer and/or username.

The country property in the query configurator has been enhanced. A search with auto complete functionality has been added when specifying a value for the country property, preventing a mismatch in any values provided.
Ivanti Neurons for Healing

Ivanti Neurons Bots is moving from a customer preview stage to general availability. Neurons Bots will start to show up in the menu of tenants alongside the existing Neurons (Feature) which it will replace (It leverages the same permission and entitlement structure so will only visible to those who can currently access the Neurons (Feature). Neurons Bots is based around the same familiar low-code/no-code editor but is full of upgrades and improvements such as:
- UI
- New modern look and feel with all bot types in the same UI.
- Import from Neurons utility built in to easily import your existing Neurons Feature workflows. You are notified of any upgrade changes required to minimize effort to migrate.
- Version control to provide better control, visibility and rollbacks to earlier versions.
- Zoom controls on the editor and results view to make it easier to see the full bot workflow.
- Results view shows badges on stages to show aggregations of runs across the chosen time period. State filter toggles between showing all runs versus only the last run for each unique device.
- Bot Descriptions convey the purpose of the bot. Version Comments allow version specific comments to allow creators to convey changes that were made.
- User definable Categories to tag and filter (through search) to organize content.
- Rename a bot or update Description from either within the bot editor or bot homepage.
- Ability to Pin stages for easy access.
- Content
- More out-of-the-box stages and a growing list of templates.
- Content creation acceleration in the bot editor view. Use CTRL+C to copy highlighted stages, CTRL+V to paste highlighted stages, CTRL+A to select all stages or hold down shift and draw a box around stages to highlight multiple to move around or copy.
- Bot Creation
- Expansive use of variables to pass results and context between stages – expanded in this release to also include many query stages. This provides the possibility to feed information into them from other stages or bot inputs which is useful for diagnostic bots. For example, enter the URL of the site the user is having problems accessing to perform tests.
- Connection Conditions to streamline config creation and result visibility. Click the connecting links between stages to filter device level results. This also provides the ability to use context from earlier stages for comparison purposes. Filter after an action to branch based on action result codes. They can auto annotate to overlay the filter configuration which also supports localization.
- For-each looping, branch joining and bot variables drive ease of use and flexibility.
- Bot Inputs empower analysts to pass information into bots at runtime, this allows a general purpose bot to flex to multiple use cases and keep complexity low.
- New User stage management feature to build your own stages from PowerShell, Windows Command, BASH or osquery scripts. Easily add input boxes or drop-downs to make them no-code and re-useable across other bots with full upgrade and version control.
- Unbatched engine supports user interactions at scale with Microsoft Teams bot.
- Stage lifecycle management provides a smooth experience for transitioning between Ivanti provided (or user created) stage changes.
- Stages
- Email Report: Content builder makes it trivial to extract information collected from other stages in the bot and provide a report across all devices that responded to a trigger.
- Internet Latency: Monitors the specified URL for reachability, latency and also tracks the network in use and WIFI signal strength.
- Device Driver Issues: Identifies device drivers that are either disabled or are reporting problems.
- Event Log Details: Now supports all event log and severity level events unlocking many more bot use cases.
- Filter : Now supports filtering across multiple occurrences of the same stage type by using the new unique stage ID field to identify the correct stage.
- Filter : Now supports UNIX as well as ISO time stamps for time based filter expressions.
- MS Teams Message: Now streamlines the creation of informational message. New variables provided in Teams stages (user given name, email address) allow personalized messages to end users.
- MS Teams Message: Emoji support; use Windows key and period (.) on a windows device to bring up emoji keyboard to insert emoji’s into a Teams stage configuration.
- Custom PowerShell: Supports running as PowerShell Core for cross-platform (Mac) support.
- Custom PowerShell: Supports variable input to leverage context from earlier stages.
- Custom PowerShell Query: Supports running as logged-in user as well as system which is useful for extracting user-specific context from devices.
- PowerShell Query and osquery : Support specifying output result columns which make it possible to use as subsequent variables/tokens and filter properties.
- PowerShell Query and osquery : Support a multiple/single results toggle to denote whether a For-each stage is to be used to loop one or more stages through the results.
- App State, Process State and Service State: Updated to return results when specified objects are not present allowing them to be self-healed.
- Log Message: Passes curated contextual content to the analyst triggering the bot from the custom actions in device view. See Custom Actions - Log message feedback in the Workspace section.
- Outgoing Webhook: Makes it easy to generate a JSON payload either on a per trigger (all reached devices in one message) or per-device which is useful for integrations into 3rd party services.
Learn more about Getting Started with Neurons Bots.

Execution History updates in the tenant admin settings to optimize performance. This now retains 60 days of history in the UI, earlier information is available as archive downloads.
Ivanti Neurons for Patch Intelligence

User interface enhancements to bring the Patch Intelligence experience into the latest Ivanti Neurons look and feel. Updates to improve consistency across Ivanti Neurons, including the Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management and Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune experiences.
Learn more about Patch Intelligence.

Ability to create and manage smart filters has been added. Use smart filters to save a selected set of filter criteria in the Patch Intelligence summary grid, so you can easily return to a set of filters in a future session. Easily save the compliance threshold for your organization or a set of patches for further investigation and research with smart filters.
Learn more about Smart filters.

A 60-day filter has been added to the Date column in the Patch Intelligence summary grid.

The Trending data that was displayed for high or medium trending patches has been deprecated from the Patch Details page > Reported Issues tab.
Learn more about Patch Details.
Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management

- New Device View. When viewing a Compliance Report, select a device name to open the Compliance Report Device View. The Compliance Report Device View captures the compliance status for a single device over time. Drill into the view to see the compliance status for a device over time with the list of installed and missing patches that contribute to the Compliant/Not Compliant status for the device on a specific date.
- Layout and label changes to the Compliance Reporting and Compliance Report grids, based on user feedback to make the date columns more intuitive. New No scan data status in the Latest Compliance Status column.
- Ability to clone a report to make it easier to create a new compliance report with minor configuration changes from the original.
Learn more about Compliance Reporting.

Automate importing a list of CVEs into Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management to identify the associated patches, then create or add to a Patch Group to quickly remediate identified vulnerabilities.
For more information, see the Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management API Help.
Ivanti Neurons Patch for Intune (formerly Ivanti Neurons Patch for MEM)

There is now a selection option and delete button to remove published applications from Intune. This replaces a time-intensive, manual process. You can now maintain a clean environment with only the current applications in use.
For more information, see Deleting Products from Intune.

Ability to create new categories, as well as, have a workflow to make the association to the Intune category. Easily see which applications are available by category and make decisions on next actions to take.
For more information, see Publication Options.

Smoother initial onboarding process through improved credential handling along with easier updates and renewals. You remain on the login page until the connection is successfully established.

A button has been added to easily distribute the trusted certificate used for content validation and a warning is displayed when the certificate is approaching expiration preventing future downtime.
For more information, see Patch for Intune.
Ivanti Neurons Platform

Automate removal of records setting in Admin > Settings . Configure how long Ivanti Neurons platform retains device and people data. By default, it is set to be retained indefinitely, but you have the option to only keep records for 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, or 365 days. Any record that has not been seen, or had an inventory event, based on the configured setting, is deleted.
Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence

The Software Insights dashboards now include more information to give you even better insights into the software installed in your estate: General Availability, End-of-Support, and End-of-Life information is now available.
For more information, see Software Insights.

SaaS usage levels are now based on the previous 90 days rather than 30 days of usage, and now also indicate where there has been no usage.
For more information, see SaaS Management.

Per Seat has been added as a Per-Device-like metric.
For more information, see License Manager.
Ivanti Neurons for Workspace

Introduction of access control on workspace (custom action) bots so visibility can be controlled at the individual bot level as to who has access. This is useful, for example, to reserve powerful bots to more senior help desk technicians.
Learn more about Custom action bot Trigger settings.

Use the new Log Message stage in bots to provide real-time feedback to the analyst as the bot progresses. This can contain a combination of typed text and results from earlier stages inserted as variables/tokens. This could be used for multiple purposes to convey progress updates, outcomes or results. Combined with bot inputs, this is useful for performing automated diagnostics based on the input and feeding the results back to the analyst.

For devices that have the real-time engine configured, we now include the Startup Type and Log On As fields for each service on the Performance tab of a device.

There is now a Reputation Score for software entries in the Software Inventory tab of a device. The reputation score is generated by checking against a database of known software titles using the SHA-256 Hash value for the respective executables.