Avalanche powered by Wavelink

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

Using Apple VPP

Apple allows users to purchase multiple licenses and distribute them across multiple devices through the Apple Volume Purchasing Program. From the Avalanche Console, you can view your available and used VPP licenses and revoke licenses you own from devices. Users still retain the ability to purchase apps on their iOS devices through their individual Apple ID accounts.

You cannot purchase Apple VPP licenses through Avalanche or distribute licenses on a device-by-device basis. Licenses must be purchased from iTunes using an Apple ID enrolled for VPP, and then you can distribute them through Avalanche using a Software Payload. To enroll for VPP, see Apple Deployment Programs.

Apple VPP is only available for devices with iOS 7.0+.

For information about managing and revoking your Apple VPP licenses in Avalanche, see the following sections:

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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