Avalanche powered by Wavelink

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GCM for Android

Installing Avalanche with Android Smart devices requires the use of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for managing Android devices.

GCM support enables Avalanche’s smart device server to communicate to your device wirelessly. Wavelink cannot provide, submit, or obtain these communication credentials for or on behalf of your organization.

To complete this process, you must have a Gmail account.

In order to successfully implement GCM on a Smart Device Server, you must obtain a project ID and API key to authenticate your server as an acceptable originating entity for data communications.

To generate the GCM credentials needed:

1.Navigate to the Google Developers Console website:


2.Click Create Project.

3.Enter a project name and click Create.

A page appears that displays the project ID. Write down the project ID, as this will be needed to complete the GCM setup in Avalanche.

4.On the left, click APIs & auth > APIs.

5.Click Cloud Messaging for Android under Mobile APIs.

6.Click Enable API at the top of the screen.

7.Navigate to APIs & auth > Credentials.

8.In the Public API access section, click Create new key.

9.Click Server key.

10.Supply an IP address for your server. Providing an IP address is optional. Not specifying an address allows the API key to function on any server regardless of its IP address.

11.Click Create.

The page refreshes with the generated server API key.

12.From the Avalanche Console, navigate to Tools > System Settings.

13.In the SmartDevice Server section, enter the Google Project Number and API key you received in the Google Developers Console.

14.Click Save.

Your Android devices are now able to use Google Cloud service through Avalanche. You must also have an SSL certificate for the Smart device server in order to connect Android devices.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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