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> Devices > Smart Mobile Device Profiles > Smart Mobile Device Profiles > Application Enrollment Token (Windows Phone)

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Application Enrollment Token (Windows Phone)

The Application Enrollment Token payload allows you to distribute enterprise apps directly to your Windows Phone and Windows Embedded Handheld 8.1 devices, bypassing the Windows Phone Store completely. Deploying and installing these apps through Avalanche requires that you associate an Application Enrollment Token (AET) with the app's software payload. An AET is obtained through the app's publisher and gives a Windows Phone device permission to install that publisher's applications.

Deploying apps to Windows Phone devices without an AET is not currently supported on Avalanche.

An application enrollment token payload has the following options:

Payload Name

The name of the payload.

Application Enrollment Token

The application enrollment token file. You can browse for the file location by clicking Browse. The application enrollment token must be in .aetx format. This file is obtained with an enterprise application and must be uploaded to Avalanche in order to deliver the application as a software payload to a Windows Phone.

When the AET is uploaded, Avalanche automatically populates the enterprise ID.

Enterprise ID

The ID associated with the application enrollment token.

After creating an AET payload, you can set up a software payload and associate it with the publisher's token payload. For more information, see Software Payload (Android/iOS/Windows Phone).

For a demo on how to create an AET payload and associate it with a Software payload, see the video below.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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