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> Devices > Smart Mobile Device Profiles > Smart Mobile Device Profiles > Custom Properties Payload (Android)

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Custom Properties Payload (Android)

From the Avalanche Console, you can create custom properties and assign them to all Android devices in a group. These properties can then be used to build selection criteria for software profiles or as device filters. Like the pre-defined properties, custom properties appear as selection variables in the Selection Criteria Builder.

You can create and edit custom properties on a device-by-device basis from the Device Details screen, or you can create a .prf file for device-side properties.

Payload Name

The name of the payload.

Custom Properties

The list of all custom properties defined by the payload.

Add. Adds a new custom property.

Delete. Removes any selected custom properties in the Custom Properties table.

When you add a custom property, you must assign a name and value to help with filtering purposes. You aren't required to follow any a standard naming practice, but we recommend following

Group (optional)

The group name, if applicable.


The entry name.


The value for the entry. This should be a standardized value so that you can easily build selection criteria for assigning software profiles and device filters.


The action you want to associate with this custom property.

Create property. Avalanche creates this custom property on the device. If the property already exists on the device, no further action is taken.

Delete property. Avalanche searches all assigned devices for this custom property and removes it.

We recommend starting a list of custom properties with the vendor name to assist with organizing user-defined properties alongside device properties. The first name would be your company name, and then following entries can contain your other custom properties. For example:

vendor = WavelinkCorp
UniqueValue1 = 1
UniqueValue2 = 2
UniqueValue3 = 3

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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