Setting up connectors

Ivanti Neurons connectors enable you to import data about your organization, such as device or user data, into the Ivanti Neurons Platform. A connector keeps the details of which data to gather, where to gather it from, and when and how frequently to import that information into Neurons.

There are two types of connectors you can choose from for most of the data sources that Neurons supports: those that run in the cloud and those that use an on-premises connector server. For other data sources, just one of these connector types will be available.

Cloud connectors import data from cloud-hosted services such as Microsoft Azure or AWS; you add them to the Neurons cloud connector server. On-premises connectors import data from local, on-premises source applications such as Ivanti Endpoint Manager, or they are generic, such as the CSV connector. On-premises connectors require that you also set up a local connector server by installing the Ivanti Neurons Agent with an Agent Policy that has the Connector Server capability enabled.

You can have as many connectors and local connector servers as you need to gather data when and how you want. Each connector server can have multiple connectors, even of the same type or accessing the same source application.

User roles other than the administrator may need to view and set up connectors. To do so, those roles will need to be assigned Connectors permissions. For details, see Access Control.

About on-premises connector servers

On-premises connectors require that you install the Ivanti Neurons Agent with an Agent Policy that has the Connector Server capability enabled, on a local Windows server that has access to your data source. This enables data to be relayed to Neurons from the source application (for example, Endpoint Manager).

An on-premises connector server uses HTTPS (port 443) to communicate. Learn more about Required URLs, IP addresses and ports.

An on-premises connector server is not required for cloud connectors.

Getting started

To get started connecting to an on-premises source application, you first need to populate Neurons with an on-premises connector server.

By default, new users will find that the Connectors > Connector Servers page displays just a Cloud connector server option until an on-premises connector server is added. A local connector server is not required for cloud connectors—you can immediately add one or more of those connectors to the Cloud option on the Connector Servers page. To set up a cloud connector, see the Ongoing tasks section below.

Ongoing tasks

For an overview of attributes that are imported by connectors, and how attributes are mapped to target attributes, see Connector data mapping.

For information about the available connectors, see the following pages: